HTTP template operation
Steps to ensure correct operation of templates that collect metrics with HTTP agent:
1. Create a host in Zabbix and specify an IP address or DNS name of the monitoring target as the main interface. This is needed for the {HOST.CONN} macro to resolve properly in the template items.
2. Link the template to the host created in step 1 (if the template is not available in your Zabbix installation, you may need to import the template’s .xml file first - see Templates out-of-the-box section for instructions).
3. Adjust the values of mandatory macros as needed.
4. Configure the instance being monitored to allow sharing data with Zabbix - see instructions in the Additional steps/comments column.
This page contains only a minimum set of macros and setup steps that are required for proper template operation. A detailed description of a template, including the full list of macros, items and triggers, is available in the template’s file (accessible by clicking on a template name).
Template | Mandatory macros | Additional steps/comments |
Apache by HTTP | {$APACHE.STATUS.HOST} - the hostname or IP address of Apache status page (default: {$APACHE.STATUS.PATH} - the URL path (default: server-status?auto). {$APACHE.STATUS.PORT} - the port of Apache status page (default: 80). {$APACHE.STATUS.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. | Apache module mod_status should be set (see Apache documentation for details). To check availability, run: httpd -M 2>/dev/null | grep status_module Apache configuration example: <Location “/server-status”> SetHandler server-status Require host </Location> |
Asterisk by HTTP | {$AMI.PORT} - AMI port number for checking service availability (default: 8088). {$AMI.SECRET} - the Asterisk Manager secret (default: zabbix). {$AMI.URL} - the Asterisk Manager API URL in the format <scheme>://<host>:<port>/<prefix>/rawman (default: http://asterisk:8088/asterisk/rawman). {$AMI.USERNAME} - the Asterisk Manager name. | 1. Enable the mini-HTTP Server. 2. Add the option webenabled=yes to the general section of manager.conf file.3. Create Asterisk Manager user in the Asterisk instance. |
ClickHouse by HTTP | {$CLICKHOUSE.PORT} - the port of ClickHouse HTTP endpoint (default: 8123). {$CLICKHOUSE.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. {$CLICKHOUSE.USER}, {$CLICKHOUSE.PASSWORD} - ClickHouse login credentials (default username: zabbix, password: zabbix_pass). If you don’t need authentication, remove headers from HTTP agent type items. | Create a ClickHouse user with a ‘web’ profile and permission to view databases (see ClickHouse documentation for details). See template’s file for a ready-to-use zabbix.xml file configuration. |
Cloudflare by HTTP | {$CLOUDFLARE.API.TOKEN} - Cloudflare API token value (default: <change> ).{$CLOUDFLARE.ZONE_ID} - Cloudflare Site Zone ID (default: <change> ). | Cloudflare API Tokens are available in the Cloudflare account under My Profile→ API Tokens. Zone ID is available in the Cloudflare account under Account Home → Site. |
DELL PowerEdge R720 by HTTP, DELL PowerEdge R740 by HTTP, DELL PowerEdge R820 by HTTP, DELL PowerEdge R840 by HTTP | {$API.URL} - Dell iDRAC Redfish API URL in the format <scheme>://<host>:<port> (default: <Put your URL here>){$API.USER}, {$API.PASSWORD} - Dell iDRAC login credentials (default: not set). | In the Dell iDRAC interface of your server: 1. Enable Redfish API . 2. Create a user for monitoring with read-only permissions. |
Elasticsearch Cluster by HTTP | {$ELASTICSEARCH.PORT} - the port of the Elasticsearch host (default: 9200). {$ELASTICSEARCH.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. {$ELASTICSEARCH.USERNAME}, {$ELASTICSEARCH.PASSWORD} - login credentials, required only if used for Elasticsearch authentication. | |
Etcd by HTTP | {$ETCD.PORT}- the port used by Etcd API endpoint (default: 2379). {$ETCD.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. {$ETCD.USER}, {$ETCD.PASSWORD} - login credentials, required only if used for Etcd authentication. | Metrics are collected from /metrics endpoint; to specify the endpoint’s location use —listen-metrics-urls flag (see Etcd documentation for details).To verify, whether Etcd is configured to allow metric collection, run: curl -L http://localhost:2379/metrics To check, if Etcd is accessible from Zabbix proxy or Zabbix server run: curl -L http:%%//<etcd_node_adress>:2379/metrics%% The template should be added to each node with Etcd. |
GitLab by HTTP | {$GITLAB.PORT} - the port of GitLab web endpoint (default: 80) {$GITLAB.URL} - GitLab instance URL (default: localhost) | This template works with self-hosted GitLab instances; metrics are collected from the /metrics endpoint.To access the metrics, the client IP address must be explicitly allowed (see GitLab documentation for details). Note, that certain metrics may not be available for a particular GitLab instance version and configuration. |
Hadoop by HTTP | {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.HOST} - the Hadoop NameNode host IP address or FQDN (default: NameNode). {$HADOOP.NAMENODE.PORT} - the Hadoop NameNode web-UI port (default: 9870). {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.HOST} - the Hadoop ResourceManager host IP address or FQDN (default: ResourceManager). {$HADOOP.RESOURCEMANAGER.PORT} - the Hadoop ResourceManager web-UI port (default: 8088). | Metrics are collected by polling the Hadoop API remotely using an HTTP agent and JSONPath preprocessing. Zabbix server (or proxy) executes direct requests to ResourceManager, NodeManagers, NameNode, DataNodes APIs. |
HAProxy by HTTP | {$HAPROXY.STATS.PATH} - the path of HAProxy Stats page (default: stats). {$HAPROXY.STATS.PORT} - the port of the HAProxy Stats host or container (default: 8404). {$HAPROXY.STATS.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. | HAProxy Stats page should be set up (see HAProxy blog post for details or template’s for configuration example). |
HashiCorp Vault by HTTP | {$VAULT.API.PORT} - the port on which the Vault listens for API requests (default: 8200). {$VAULT.API.SCHEME} - the API request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. {$VAULT.HOST} - Vault host name (default: <PUT YOUR VAULT HOST>). {$VAULT.TOKEN} - Vault authorization token (default: <PUT YOUR AUTH TOKEN>). | 1. Configure the Vault API (see official documentation for details). 2. Create a Vault service token, then copy and paste it into {$VAULT.TOKEN} macro value in Zabbix. |
Hikvision camera by HTTP | {$HIKVISION_ISAPI_PORT} - ISAPI port on a device (default: 80). {$USER}, {$PASSWORD} - camera login credentials (default username: admin, password: 1234). | |
InfluxDB by HTTP | {$INFLUXDB.API.TOKEN} - InfluxDB API authorization token (default: ).<br><strong>{$INFLUXDB.URL}</strong> - InfluxDB instance URL in the format <code><scheme>://<host>:<port></code> (default: http://localhost:8086).</td><td>This template collects internal service metrics from the InfluxDB /metrics endpoint of self-hosted InfluxDB instances.<br><br>See InfluxDB <a href="">documentation</a> for details.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Jenkins by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$JENKINS.API.KEY}</strong> - API key to access Metrics Servlet; required for common metrics (default: ).{$JENKINS.API.TOKEN} - API token for HTTP BASIC authentication; required for monitoring computers and builds (default: ).<br><strong>{$JENKINS.URL}</strong> - Jenkins URL in the format <code><scheme>://<host>:<port></code>; required for monitoring computers and builds (default: ).{$JENKINS.USER} - username for HTTP BASIC authentication; required for monitoring computers and builds (default: zabbix). | Metrics are collected by requests to Metrics API. For common metrics: install and configure Metrics plugin parameters according to the official documentation. Issue an API key for access to the Metrics Servlet, then use it as {$JENKINS.API.KEY} macro value. For monitoring computers and builds: create an API token for the Jenkins user that will be used for monitoring, then use it as {$JENKINS.API.TOKEN} macro value. See Jenkins documentation for details. |
Microsoft SharePoint by HTTP | {$SHAREPOINT.URL} - portal page URL, for example http://sharepoint.companyname.local/ (default: ).<br><strong>{$SHAREPOINT.ROOT}</strong> - a root directory; only the specified directory and all its subfolders will be monitored (default: /Shared Documents)<br><strong>{$SHAREPOINT.USER}</strong>, <strong>{$SHAREPOINT.PASSWORD}</strong> - SharePoint login credentials (default: not set).</td><td>The template contains additional macros, which can be used to filter out certain dictionaries and types during LLD process (see template's <a href=""></a> for the description of available filter macros).</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">NetApp AFF A700 by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$URL}</strong> - AFF700 cluster URL address (default: ' ' )<br><strong>{$USERNAME}</strong>, <strong>{PASSWORD}</strong> - AFF700 login credentials (default: not set).</td><td>Create a host for AFF A700 with cluster management IP as the Zabbix agent interface.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">NGINX by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$NGINX.STUB_STATUS.HOST}</strong> - the hostname or IP address of NGINX stub_status host or container (default: localhost).<br><strong>{$NGINX.STUB_STATUS.PATH}</strong> - the path of NGINX stub_status page (default: basic_status).<br><strong>{$NGINX.STUB_STATUS.PORT}</strong> - the port of NGINX stub_status host or container (default: 80).<br><strong>{$NGINX.STUB_STATUS.SCHEME}</strong> - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https.</td><td><code>'ngx_http_stub_status_module</code> should be set up (see NGINX <a href="">documentation</a> for details or template's for configuration example).<br>To check availability, run:<br><code>nginx -V 2>&1 \| grep -o with-http_stub_status_module</code></td></tr><tr><td><a href="">NGINX Plus by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$NGINX.API.ENDPOINT}</strong> - NGINX Plus API URL in the format <code><scheme>://<host>:<port>/<location>/</code> (default: ' ').</td><td>1. Enable NGINX Plus API (see NGINX <a href="">documentation</a> for details).<br>2. Set the macro {$NGINX.API.ENDPOINT}<br>3. If required, use other template macros to filter out discovery operations and discover only required zones and upstreams.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">PHP-FPM by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$PHP_FPM.HOST}</strong> - a hostname or an IP of PHP-FPM status host or container (default: localhost).<br><strong>{$PHP_FPM.PING.PAGE}</strong> - PHP-FPM ping page path (default:ping).<br><strong>{$PHP_FPM.PORT}</strong> - the port of PHP-FPM status host or container (default: 80).<br><strong>{$PHP_FPM.PROCESS_NAME}</strong> - PHP-FPM process name (default: php-fpm).<br><strong>{$PHP_FPM.SCHEME}</strong> - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https.<br><strong>{$PHP_FPM.STATUS.PAGE}</strong> - PHP-FPM status page path (default:<code>status</code>).</td><td>1. Open the php-fpm configuration file and enable the status page:<br><code>pm.status_path = /status</code><br><code>ping.path = /ping</code><br><br>2. Validate the syntax: <code>$ php-fpm7 -t</code><br><br>3. Reload the php-fpm service.<br><br>4. In the Nginx Server Block (virtual host) configuration file, add (see template's <em></em> for an expanded example with comments):<br><code>location ~ ^/(status\|ping)$ {</code><br><code>access_log off;</code><br><code>fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;</code><br><code>fastcgi_index index.php;</code><br><code>include fastcgi_params;</code><br><code>fastcgi_pass;</code><br><code>}</code><br><br>5. Check the syntax: <code>$ nginx -t</code><br><br>6. Reload Nginx<br><br>7. Verify: <code>curl -L</code></td></tr><tr><td><a href="">RabbitMQ cluster by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$RABBITMQ.API.CLUSTER_HOST}</strong> - the hostname or IP address of RabbitMQ cluster API endpoint (default:<br><strong>{$RABBITMQ.API.SCHEME}</strong> - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https.<br><strong>{$RABBITMQ.API.USER}</strong>, <strong>{$RABBITMQ.API.PASSWORD}</strong> - RabbitMQ login credentials (default username: zbx_monitor, password: zabbix).</td><td>Enable RabbitMQ management plugin (see <a href="">RabbitMQ documentation</a>).<br><br>To create a RabbitMQ user with necessary permissions for monitoring, run:<br>'' rabbitmqctl add_user zbx_monitor <PASSWORD> ''<br><code>rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / zbx_monitor %% "" "" ".*"%%</code><br><code>rabbitmqctl set_user_tags zbx_monitor monitoring</code><br><br>If the cluster consists of several nodes, it is recommended to assign the cluster template to a separate balancing host. In case of a single-node installation, the cluster template can be assigned to the host with a node template.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">TiDB by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$TIDB.PORT}</strong> - The port of TiDB server metrics web endpoint (default: 10080)<br><strong>{$TIDB.URL}</strong> - TiDB server URL (default: localhost).</td><td>This template works with TiDB server of PingCAP TiDB cluster.<br>Internal service metrics are collected from TiDB /metrics endpoint and TiDB monitoring API.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">TiDB PD by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$TIDB.PORT}</strong> - The port of TiDB server metrics web endpoint (default: 2379)<br><strong>{$TIDB.URL}</strong> - TiDB server URL (default: localhost).</td><td>This template works with PD server of PingCAP TiDB cluster.<br>Internal service metrics are collected from PD /metrics endpoint and TiDB monitoring API.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">TiDB TiKV by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$TIDB.PORT}</strong> - The port of TiDB server metrics web endpoint (default: 20180)<br><strong>{$TIDB.URL}</strong> - TiDB server URL (default: localhost).</td><td>This template works with TiKV server of PingCAP TiDB cluster.<br>Internal service metrics are collected from TiKV /metrics endpoint.</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">Travis CI by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$TRAVIS.API.TOKEN}</strong> - Travis API Token (default: not set)<br><strong>{$TRAVIS.API.URL}</strong> - Travis API URL (default:</td><td>Travis API authentication token can be found in the <em>User → Settings → API authentication</em> section.<br>{$TRAVIS.API.URL} format for a private project is <em></em>.<br>{$TRAVIS.API.URL} format for an enterprise project is <em></em> (replace with the domain Travis CI is running on).</td></tr><tr><td><a href="">VMWare SD-WAN VeloCloud by HTTP</a></td><td><strong>{$VELOCLOUD.TOKEN}</strong> - VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator API Token (default: ).{$VELOCLOUD.URL} - VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator URL, for example, (default: ``). | API token should be created in the VMware SD-WAN Orchestrator (see VMware documentation for details). |
ZooKeeper by HTTP | {$ZOOKEEPER.COMMAND_URL} - admin.commandURL; the URL for listing and issuing commands relative to the root URL (default: commands). {ZOOKEEPER.PORT} - admin.serverPort; the port the embedded Jetty server listens on (default: 8080). {$ZOOKEEPER.SCHEME} - the request scheme. Supported: http (default), https. | Metrics are collected from each ZooKeeper node by requests to AdminServer (enabled by default). See ZooKeeper documentation to enable or configure AdminServer. |