Grafana Integration for Uptrace


Uptrace allows to run Loki queries without leaving the Uptrace UI.

To enable Loki/cLoki integration, add the following lines to uptrace.yml:

  1. loki:
  2. addr: 'http://localhost:3100'

Once enabled, you should see “LogQL” tab in the UI:

Loki and Uptrace

You may also want to check cLokiGrafana integration - 图2open in new window which is like Grafana Loki, but for Clickhouse.


You can use Grafana to filter spans and view traces using Tempo API provided by Uptrace. All you need to do is to add Uptrace as a Tempo data source in Grafana:

  1. Go to Configuration > Data sources.
  2. Click on the “Add data source” button.
  3. Click on Tempo.
  4. As an URL, use http://localhost:14318
  5. Add uptrace-dsn: http://project2_secret_token@localhost:14318/2 HTTP header.

Grafana Tempo