
pipeline pipeline

The Summary pipeline summarizes text. This pipeline runs a text2text model that abstractively creates a summary of the input text.


The following shows a simple example using this pipeline.

  1. from txtai.pipeline import Summary
  2. # Create and run pipeline
  3. summary = Summary()
  4. summary("Enter long, detailed text to summarize here")

See the link below for a more detailed example.

Building abstractive text summariesRun abstractive text summarizationOpen In Colab

Configuration-driven example

Pipelines are run with Python or configuration. Pipelines can be instantiated in configuration using the lower case name of the pipeline. Configuration-driven pipelines are run with workflows or the API.


  1. # Create pipeline using lower case class name
  2. summary:
  3. # Run pipeline with workflow
  4. workflow:
  5. summary:
  6. tasks:
  7. - action: summary

Run with Workflows

  1. from txtai import Application
  2. # Create and run pipeline with workflow
  3. app = Application("config.yml")
  4. list(app.workflow("summary", ["Enter long, detailed text to summarize here"]))

Run with API

  1. CONFIG=config.yml uvicorn "txtai.api:app" &
  2. curl \
  3. -X POST "http://localhost:8000/workflow" \
  4. -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  5. -d '{"name":"summary", "elements":["Enter long, detailed text to summarize here"]}'


Python documentation for the pipeline.

__init__(path=None, quantize=False, gpu=True, model=None, **kwargs)

Source code in txtai/pipeline/text/

  1. 15
  2. 16
  1. def init(self, path=None, quantize=False, gpu=True, model=None, kwargs):
  2. super().init(“summarization”, path, quantize, gpu, model, kwargs)

__call__(text, minlength=None, maxlength=None, workers=0)

Runs a summarization model against a block of text.

This method supports text as a string or a list. If the input is a string, the return type is text. If text is a list, a list of text is returned with a row per block of text.





minimum length for summary


maximum length for summary


number of concurrent workers to use for processing data, defaults to None




summary text

Source code in txtai/pipeline/text/

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  1. def call(self, text, minlength=None, maxlength=None, workers=0):
  2. “””
  3. Runs a summarization model against a block of text.
  4. This method supports text as a string or a list. If the input is a string, the return
  5. type is text. If text is a list, a list of text is returned with a row per block of text.
  6. Args:
  7. text: text|list
  8. minlength: minimum length for summary
  9. maxlength: maximum length for summary
  10. workers: number of concurrent workers to use for processing data, defaults to None
  11. Returns:
  12. summary text
  13. “””
  14. # Validate text length greater than max length
  15. check = maxlength if maxlength else self.maxlength()
  16. # Skip text shorter than max length
  17. texts = text if isinstance(text, list) else [text]
  18. params = [(x, text if len(text) >= check else None) for x, text in enumerate(texts)]
  19. # Build keyword arguments
  20. kwargs = self.args(minlength, maxlength)
  21. inputs = [text for _, text in params if text]
  22. if inputs:
  23. # Run summarization pipeline
  24. results = self.pipeline(inputs, num_workers=workers, **kwargs)
  25. # Pull out summary text
  26. results = iter([self.clean(x[“summary_text”]) for x in results])
  27. results = [next(results) if text else texts[x] for x, text in params]
  28. else:
  29. # Return original
  30. results = texts
  31. return results[0] if isinstance(text, str) else results