
pipeline pipeline

Exports a traditional machine learning model (i.e. scikit-learn) to ONNX.


See the link below for a detailed example.

Export and run other machine learning modelsExport and run models from scikit-learn, PyTorch and moreOpen In Colab


Python documentation for the pipeline.

__call__(model, task='default', output=None, opset=12)

Exports a machine learning model to ONNX using ONNXMLTools.



model to export


optional model task or category


optional output model path, defaults to return byte array if None


onnx opset, defaults to 12




path to model output or model as bytes depending on output parameter

Source code in txtai/pipeline/train/

  1. 31
  2. 32
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  4. 34
  5. 35
  6. 36
  7. 37
  8. 38
  9. 39
  10. 40
  11. 41
  12. 42
  13. 43
  14. 44
  15. 45
  16. 46
  17. 47
  18. 48
  19. 49
  20. 50
  21. 51
  22. 52
  23. 53
  24. 54
  25. 55
  26. 56
  27. 57
  28. 58
  29. 59
  30. 60
  31. 61
  32. 62
  33. 63
  1. def call(self, model, task=”default”, output=None, opset=12):
  2. “””
  3. Exports a machine learning model to ONNX using ONNXMLTools.
  4. Args:
  5. model: model to export
  6. task: optional model task or category
  7. output: optional output model path, defaults to return byte array if None
  8. opset: onnx opset, defaults to 12
  9. Returns:
  10. path to model output or model as bytes depending on output parameter
  11. “””
  12. # Convert scikit-learn model to ONNX
  13. model = convertsklearn(model, task, initial_types=[(“input_ids”, StringTensorType([None, None]))], target_opset=opset)
  14. # Prune model graph down to only output probabilities
  15. model = select_model_inputs_outputs(model, outputs=”probabilities”)
  16. # pylint: disable=E1101
  17. # Rename output to logits for consistency with other models
  18. model.graph.output[0].name = logits
  19. # Find probabilities output node and rename to logits
  20. for node in model.graph.node:
  21. for x, in enumerate(node.output):
  22. if node.output[x] == probabilities”:
  23. node.output[x] = logits
  24. # Save model to specified output path or return bytes
  25. model = save_onnx_model(model, output)
  26. return output if output else model