
Enable scoring support via the scoring parameter.

This scoring instance can serve two purposes, depending on the settings.

One use case is building sparse/keyword indexes. This occurs when the terms parameter is set to True.

The other use case is with word vector term weighting. This feature has been available since the initial version but isn’t quite as common anymore.

The following covers the available options.


  1. method: bm25|tfidf|sif|custom

Sets the scoring method. Add custom scoring via setting this parameter to the fully resolvable class string.


  1. terms: boolean|dict

Enables term frequency sparse arrays for a scoring instance. This is the backend for sparse keyword indexes.

Supports a dict with the parameters cachelimit and cutoff.

cachelimit is the maximum amount of resident memory in bytes to use during indexing before flushing to disk. This parameter is an int.

cutoff is used during search to determine what constitutes a common term. This parameter is a float, i.e. 0.1 for a cutoff of 10%.

When terms is set to True, default parameters are used for the cachelimit and cutoff. Normally, these defaults are sufficient.


  1. normalize: boolean

Enables normalized scoring (ranging from 0 to 1). When enabled, statistics from the index will be used to calculate normalized scores.