Awesome tRPC Collection

Collection of resources on tRPC. Please edit this page and add your own links! 🙏

🧩 Extensions & community add-ons

Please make and add!

tRPC Playground - sandbox for testing tRPC queries in the browser
tRPC-SvelteKit - SvelteKit tRPC extension
tRPC-OpenAPI - OpenAPI & REST support for your tRPC routers
Create tRPC App - Create tRPC-powered apps with one command
Prisma tRPC Generator - Prisma 2+ generator to emit fully implemented tRPC routers
tRPC-nuxt - Nuxt 3 module
tRPC-SWR - SWR wrapper
tRPC Shield - tRPC permissions as another layer of abstraction!

🍀 Starting points, example projects, etc

Recommended: Starter project with Prisma, Next.js, tRPC, E2E-testing
zART - starter repo for monolithic React + React Native development with tRPC
WebSockets Starter Project
tRPC Kitchen Sink - A collection of tRPC usage patterns.
Turborepo + Expo + tRPC Starter
tRPC in a Cloudflare Worker
tRPC on Commerce Cloud Managed Runtime
tRPC-SvelteKit Example Application
tRPC + Rakkas (Vite framework)
tRPC + Ultra

🏁 Open-source projects using tRPC

DescriptionLink - Scheduling infrastructure
Serverless Stack (SST) is a framework that makes it easy to build serverless apps.
Beam - A simple message board for your organization or project.
Rallly - Self-hostable doodle poll alternative.

🎬 Videos - conference talks, etc

🎙 Podcast Episodes

📚 Blog articles