
You are able to add middleware(s) to a whole router with the middleware() method. The middleware(s) will wrap the invocation of the procedure and must pass through its return value.


In the example below any call to admin.* will ensure that the user is an “admin” before executing any query or mutation.

  1. trpc
  2. .router<Context>()
  3. .query('foo', {
  4. resolve() {
  5. return 'bar';
  6. },
  7. })
  8. .merge(
  9. 'admin.',
  10. trpc
  11. .router<Context>()
  12. .middleware(async ({ ctx, next }) => {
  13. if (!ctx.user?.isAdmin) {
  14. throw new TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" });
  15. }
  16. return next()
  17. })
  18. .query('secretPlace', {
  19. resolve() {
  20. return 'a key';
  21. },
  22. }),
  23. )

See Error Handling to learn more about the TRPCError thrown in the above example.


In the example below timings for queries are logged automatically.

  1. trpc
  2. .router<Context>()
  3. .middleware(async ({ path, type, next }) => {
  4. const start = Date.now();
  5. const result = await next();
  6. const durationMs = Date.now() - start;
  7. result.ok
  8. ? logMock('OK request timing:', { path, type, durationMs })
  9. : logMock('Non-OK request timing', { path, type, durationMs });
  10. return result;
  11. })
  12. .query('foo', {
  13. resolve() {
  14. return 'bar';
  15. },
  16. })
  17. .query('abc', {
  18. resolve() {
  19. return 'def';
  20. },
  21. })

Context Swapping

A middleware can replace the router’s context, and downstream procedures will receive the new context value:

  1. interface Context {
  2. // user is nullable
  3. user?: {
  4. id: string
  5. }
  6. }
  7. trpc
  8. .router<Context>()
  9. .middleware(({ ctx, next }) => {
  10. if (!ctx.user) {
  11. throw new TRPCError({ code: 'UNAUTHORIZED' });
  12. }
  13. return next({
  14. ctx: {
  15. ...ctx,
  16. user: ctx.user, // user value is known to be non-null now
  17. },
  18. });
  19. })
  20. .query('userId', {
  21. async resolve({ctx}) {
  22. return ctx.user.id;
  23. }
  24. });


This helper can be used anywhere in your app tree to enforce downstream procedures to be authorized.


  1. import * as trpc from "@trpc/server";
  2. import { Context } from "./context";
  3. export function createProtectedRouter() {
  4. return trpc
  5. .router<Context>()
  6. .middleware(({ ctx, next }) => {
  7. if (!ctx.user) {
  8. throw new trpc.TRPCError({ code: "UNAUTHORIZED" });
  9. }
  10. return next({
  11. ctx: {
  12. ...ctx,
  13. // infers that `user` is non-nullable to downstream procedures
  14. user: ctx.user,
  15. },
  16. });
  17. });
  18. }

Raw input

A middleware can access the raw input that will be passed to a procedure. This can be used for authentication / other preprocessing in the middleware that requires access to the procedure input, and can be especially useful when used in conjunction with Context Swapping.


The rawInput passed to a middleware has not yet been validated by a procedure’s input schema / validator, so be careful when using it! Because of this, rawInput has type unknown. For more info see #1059.

  1. const inputSchema = z.object({ userId: z.string() });
  2. trpc
  3. .router<Context>()
  4. .middleware(async ({ next, rawInput, ctx }) => {
  5. const result = inputSchema.safeParse(rawInput);
  6. if (!result.success) throw new TRPCError({ code: "BAD_REQUEST" });
  7. const { userId } = result.data;
  8. // Check user id auth
  9. return next({ ctx: { ...ctx, userId }})
  10. })
  11. .query('userId', {
  12. input: inputSchema,
  13. resolve({ ctx }) {
  14. return ctx.userId;
  15. },
  16. });