RPC Service

  • It is the basic unit for sogouRPC services.
  • Each service must be generated by one type of IDLs.
  • Service is determined by IDL type, not by specific network communication protocol.


You can follow the detailed example below:

  • Use the same example.proto IDL above.
  • Run the official protoc example.proto --cpp_out=./ --proto_path=./ to get two files: example.pb.h and example.pb.cpp.
  • Run the srpc_generator protobuf ./example.proto ./ in SogouRPC to get example.srpc.h.
  • Derive Example::Service to implement the rpc business logic, which is an RPC Service.
  • Please note that this Service does not involve any concepts such as network, port, communication protocol, etc., and it is only responsible for completing the business logic that convert EchoRequest to EchoResponse.
  1. class ExampleServiceImpl : public Example::Service
  2. {
  3. public:
  4. void Echo(EchoRequest *request, EchoResponse *response, RPCContext *ctx) override
  5. {
  6. response->set_message("Hi, " + request->name());
  7. printf("get_req:\n%s\nset_resp:\n%s\n",
  8. request->DebugString().c_str(),
  9. response->DebugString().c_str());
  10. }
  11. };