Associating objects
Because Sequelize is doing a lot of magic, you have to call Sequelize.sync
after setting the associations! Doing so will allow you the following:
// save them... and then:
project.setTasks([task1, task2]).then(() => {
// saved!
// ok, now they are saved... how do I get them later on?
project.getTasks().then(associatedTasks => {
// associatedTasks is an array of tasks
// You can also pass filters to the getter method.
// They are equal to the options you can pass to a usual finder method.
project.getTasks({ where: 'id > 10' }).then(tasks => {
// tasks with an id greater than 10 :)
// You can also only retrieve certain fields of a associated object.
project.getTasks({attributes: ['title']}).then(tasks => {
// retrieve tasks with the attributes "title" and "id"
To remove created associations you can just call the set method without a specific id:
// remove the association with task1
project.setTasks([task2]).then(associatedTasks => {
// you will get task2 only
// remove 'em all
project.setTasks([]).then(associatedTasks => {
// you will get an empty array
// or remove 'em more directly
project.removeTask(task1).then(() => {
// it's gone
// and add 'em again
project.addTask(task1).then(() => {
// it's back again
You can of course also do it vice versa:
// project is associated with task1 and task2
task2.setProject(null).then(() => {
// and it's gone
For hasOne/belongsTo it's basically the same:
Task.hasOne(User, {as: "Author"})
Adding associations to a relation with a custom join table can be done in two ways (continuing with the associations defined in the previous chapter):
// Either by adding a property with the name of the join table model to the object, before creating the association
project.UserProjects = {
status: 'active'
// Or by providing a second options.through argument when adding the association, containing the data that should go in the join table
u.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'active' }})
// When associating multiple objects, you can combine the two options above. In this case the second argument
// will be treated as a defaults object, that will be used if no data is provided
project1.UserProjects = {
status: 'inactive'
u.setProjects([project1, project2], { through: { status: 'active' }})
// The code above will record inactive for project one, and active for project two in the join table
When getting data on an association that has a custom join table, the data from the join table will be returned as a DAO instance:
u.getProjects().then(projects => {
const project = projects[0]
if (project.UserProjects.status === 'active') {
// .. do magic
// since this is a real DAO instance, you can save it directly after you are done doing magic
If you only need some of the attributes from the join table, you can provide an array with the attributes you want:
// This will select only name from the Projects table, and only status from the UserProjects table
user.getProjects({ attributes: ['name'], joinTableAttributes: ['status']})