Apache Seata(incubating) Version Maintenance Plan

VersionMaintenance Plan
v2.0.xStability maintenance will cease after v2.1.0, and security maintenance after v2.2.0
v1.8.xStability maintenance will cease after v2.0.0, and security maintenance after v2.1.0
v1.7.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.8.0, and security maintenance after v2.0.0
v1.6.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.7.0, and security maintenance after v1.8.0
v1.5.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.6.0, and security maintenance after v1.7.0
v1.4.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.5.0, and security maintenance after v1.6.0
v1.3.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.4.0, and security maintenance after v1.5.0
v1.2.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.3.0, and security maintenance after v1.4.0
v1.1.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.2.0, and security maintenance after v1.3.0
v1.0.xStability maintenance will cease after v1.1.0, and security maintenance after v1.2.0


  • The community only maintains the latest three versions at the current point in time.
  • For non-current versions, only significant security vulnerabilities and bug fixes will be addressed.
  • Users are encouraged to try the latest version features and provide feedback.

For Seata version 1.8.x, it has entered the security maintenance phase and will officially end its maintenance period after the release of Seata version 2.1.0.

For Seata version 2.0.x, it is currently in the stability maintenance phase. The community will address bug fixes and maintain stability based on user feedback. This version is recommended for use and will transition to the security maintenance phase after the release of version 2.1.0.

For Seata version 2.1.0, it is currently in the phase of incorporating new features. Please patiently await community notifications for specific release dates.