
Minimum Rust version: 1.12

我们一直致力于改进错误,几乎每个 Rust 版本都没有什么改进,但在 Rust 1.12 中,创建了错误消息系统的重大改进。


  1. fn main() {
  2. let mut x = 5;
  3. let y = &x;
  4. x += 1;
  5. }

这是 Rust 1.11:

  1. foo.rs:6:5: 6:11 error: cannot assign to `x` because it is borrowed [E0506]
  2. foo.rs:6 x += 1;
  3. ^~~~~~
  4. foo.rs:4:14: 4:15 note: borrow of `x` occurs here
  5. foo.rs:4 let y = &x;
  6. ^
  7. foo.rs:6:5: 6:11 help: run `rustc --explain E0506` to see a detailed explanation

这是 Rust 1.28:

  1. error[E0506]: cannot assign to `x` because it is borrowed
  2. --> foo.rs:6:5
  3. |
  4. 4 | let y = &x;
  5. | - borrow of `x` occurs here
  6. 5 |
  7. 6 | x += 1;
  8. | ^^^^^^ assignment to borrowed `x` occurs here
  9. error: aborting due to previous error
