Azure Node Template Configuration

For more information about Azure, refer to the official Azure documentation.

Account access information is stored as a cloud credential. Cloud credentials are stored as Kubernetes secrets. Multiple node templates can use the same cloud credential. You can use an existing cloud credential or create a new one.

  • Placement sets the geographical region where your cluster is hosted and other location metadata.

  • Network configures the networking used in your cluster.

  • Instance customizes your VM configuration.

    Azure Node Template Configuration - 图1note

    If using a VNet in a different Resource Group than the VMs, the VNet name should be prefixed with the Resource Group name. For example, <resource group>:<vnet>.

If you use Docker, the Docker daemon configuration options include:

  • Labels: For information on labels, refer to the Docker object label documentation..

  • Docker Engine Install URL: Determines what Docker version will be installed on the instance.

    Azure Node Template Configuration - 图2note

    If you’re provisioning Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) or CentOS nodes, leave the Docker Install URL field as the default value, or select none. This will bypass a check for Docker installation, as Docker is already installed on these node types.

    If you set Docker Install URL to a value other than the default or none, you might see an error message such as the following: Error creating machine: RHEL ssh command error: command: sudo -E yum install -y curl err: exit status 1 output: Updating Subscription Management repositories.

  • Registry mirrors: Docker Registry mirror to be used by the Docker daemon.

  • Other advanced options: Refer to the Docker daemon option reference.