Registry Component

Registry - 图1


Phalcon\Registry is an object oriented array. It extends Phalcon\Collection but cannot be extended itself since all of its methods are declared final. It offers speed, as well as implementations of various PHP interfaces. These are:

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);


You can construct the object as any other object in PHP. However, the constructor accepts an optional array parameter, which will populate the object for you.

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);


You can also reuse the component, by repopulating it. Phalcon\Registry exposes the clear() and init() methods, which will clear and repopulate the internal array respectively,

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->count(); // 2
  13. $data = [
  14. 'year' => 1776,
  15. ];
  16. $collection->clear();
  17. $collection->init($data);
  18. echo $collection->count(); // 1


As mentioned above, Phalcon\Registry implements several interfaces, in order to make the component as flexible as possible. Retrieving data stored in an element can be done by using:

  • Property
  • __get()
  • array based get ($collection[$element])
  • offsetGet()
  • get()The fastest way is by using the property syntax:
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->year; // 1776

You can use __get($element) but it is not advisable as it is much slower than the property syntax. The same applies to offsetGet

  1. echo $collection->__get('year'); // 1776
  2. echo $collection['year']; // 1776
  3. echo $collection->offsetGet('year'); // 1776
  4. echo $collection->get('year', 1776, true); // 1776
  1. public function get(string $element, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $insensitive = true): mixed

Using get() offers two extra parameters. When $defaultValue is defined in the call, if the element is not found, $defaultValue will be returned. By default $insensitive is set to true, making searches in the collection case insensitive. Setting this value to false will make the search for the element case sensitive.


As mentioned above, Phalcon\Registry implements several interfaces, in order to make the component as flexible as possible. Retrieving data stored in an element can be done by using:

  • Property
  • __get()
  • array based get ($collection[$element])
  • offsetGet()
  • get()The fastest way is by using the property syntax:
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->year; // 1776

You can use __get($element) but it is not advisable as it is much slower than the property syntax. The same applies to offsetGet

  1. echo $collection->__get('year'); // 1776
  2. echo $collection['year']; // 1776
  3. echo $collection->offsetGet('year'); // 1776
  4. echo $collection->get('year', 1776, true); // 1776
  1. public function get(string $element, mixed $defaultValue = null, bool $insensitive = true): mixed

Using get() offers two extra parameters. When $defaultValue is defined in the call, if the element is not found, $defaultValue will be returned. By default $insensitive is set to true, making searches in the collection case insensitive. Setting this value to false will make the search for the element case sensitive.


To check whether an element exists or not in the collection, you can use the following:

  • isset() on the property
  • __isset()
  • array based isset (isset($coollection[$element]))
  • offsetExists()
  • has()The fastest way is by using the property syntax:
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo isset($collection->year); // true

You can use __isset(element) but it is not advisable as it is much slower than the property syntax. The same applies to offsetExists

  1. echo $collection->__isset('year'); // true
  2. echo isset($collection['year']); // true
  3. echo $collection->offsetExists('year'); // true
  4. echo $collection->has('year', true); // true
  1. public function has(string $element, bool $insensitive = true): bool

Using has() offers an extra parameter. By default $insensitive is set to true, making searches in the collection case insensitive. Setting this value to false will make the search for the element case sensitive.

  1. echo $collection->has('YEAR', true); // true
  2. echo $collection->has('YEAR', false); // false


To set an element in the collection, you can use the following:

  • assign the value to the property
  • __set()
  • array based assignment
  • offsetSet()
  • set()The fastest way is by using the property syntax:
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. ];
  10. $collection = new Registry($data);
  11. $collection->year = 1776;

You can use __set($element, $value) but it is not advisable as it is much slower than the property syntax. The same applies to offsetSet

  1. $collection->__set('year', 1776);
  2. $collection['year'] = 1776;
  3. $collection->offsetSet('year', 1776);
  4. $collection->set('year', 1776);


To remove an element in the collection, you can use the following:

  • unset the property
  • __unset()
  • array based unset
  • offsetUnset()
  • remove()The fastest way is by using the property syntax:
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. ];
  10. $collection = new Registry($data);
  11. unset($collection->year);

You can use __unset($element) but it is not advisable as it is much slower than the property syntax. The same applies to offsetUnset

  1. $collection->__unset('year');
  2. unset($collection['year']);
  3. $collection->offsetUnset('year');
  4. $collection->remove('year');
  1. public function remove(string $element, bool $insensitive = true): void

Using remove() offers an extra parameter. By default $insensitive is set to true, making searches in the collection case insensitive. Setting this value to false will make the search for the element case sensitive.

  1. $collection->remove('YEAR', true);
  2. $collection->remove('YEAR', false);


Since the collection object implements \IteratorAggregate, you can iterate through the object with ease. The method getIterator() returns an ArrayIterator() object

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. foreach ($collection as $key => $value) {
  13. echo $key . ' - ' . $value . PHP_EOL;
  14. }


The implementation of the \Countable interface exposes the count() method, which stores the number of elements in the collection.

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->count(); // 2


The \Serializable and \JsonSerializable interfaces expose methods that allow you to serialize and unserialize the object. serialize() and unserialize() use PHP’s serialize and unserialize functions. jsonSerialize() returns an array which can be used with json_encode to serialize the object.

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->serialize(); // a:2:{s:6:"colors";a:3:{i:0;s:3:"red";i:1;s:5:"white";i:2;s:4:"blue";}s:4:"year";i:1776;}
  13. $serialized = 'a:2:{s:6:"colors";a:3:{i:0;s:3:"red";i:1;s:5:"white";i:2;s:4:"blue";}s:4:"year";i:1776;}';
  14. $collection->unserialize($serialized);
  15. echo $collection->jsonSerialize(); // $data


Phalcon\Registry also exposes two transformation methods: toArray() and toJson(int $options). toArray() returns the object transformed as an array. This method returns the same array as jsonSerialize().

  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->toArray(); // $data

toJson(int $options) returns a JSON representation of the object. It uses json_encode internally and accepts a parameter, which represents the flags that json_encode accepts. By default the options are set up with the value 74, (RFC4327) which translates to:

  • JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHESYou can pass any valid flags to the method according to your needs.
  1. <?php
  2. use Phalcon\Registry;
  3. $data = [
  4. 'colors' => [
  5. 'red',
  6. 'white',
  7. 'blue',
  8. ],
  9. 'year' => 1776,
  10. ];
  11. $collection = new Registry($data);
  12. echo $collection->toJson(); // ["red","white","blue"],"year":1776}
  13. echo $collection->toJson(74 + JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
  14. /**
  15. {
  16. "colors": [
  17. "red",
  18. "white",
  19. "blue"
  20. ],
  21. "year": 1776
  22. }
  23. */