Get index template

The Get Index Template API returns information about one or more index templates.

Path and HTTP methods

  1. GET /_index_template/<template-name>

Query parameters

The following optional query parameters are supported.

createBooleanWhen true, the API cannot replace or update any existing index templates. Default is false.
cluster_manager_timeoutTimeThe amount of time to wait for a connection to the cluster manager node. Default is 30s.
flat_settingsBooleanWhether to return settings in the flat form, which can improve readability, especially for heavily nested settings. For example, the flat form of “index”: { “creation_date”: “123456789” } is “index.creation_date”: “123456789”.

Example requests

The following example request gets information about an index template by using a wildcard expression:

  1. GET /_index_template/h*


The following example request gets information about all index templates:

  1. GET /_index_template
