Popular APIs

Introduced 1.0

This page contains example requests for popular OpenSearch operations.

Create index with non-default settings

  1. PUT my-logs
  2. {
  3. "settings": {
  4. "number_of_shards": 4,
  5. "number_of_replicas": 2
  6. },
  7. "mappings": {
  8. "properties": {
  9. "title": {
  10. "type": "text"
  11. },
  12. "year": {
  13. "type": "integer"
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }

Index a document with a random ID

  1. POST my-logs/_doc
  2. {
  3. "title": "Your Name",
  4. "year": "2016"
  5. }

Index a document with a specific ID

  1. PUT my-logs/_doc/1
  2. {
  3. "title": "Weathering with You",
  4. "year": "2019"
  5. }

Index several documents at once

The blank line at the end of the request body is required. If you omit the _id field, OpenSearch generates a random ID.

  1. POST _bulk
  2. { "index": { "_index": "my-logs", "_id": "2" } }
  3. { "title": "The Garden of Words", "year": 2013 }
  4. { "index" : { "_index": "my-logs", "_id" : "3" } }
  5. { "title": "5 Centimeters Per Second", "year": 2007 }

List all indexes

  1. GET _cat/indices?v&expand_wildcards=all

Open or close all indexes that match a pattern

  1. POST my-logs*/_open
  2. POST my-logs*/_close

Delete all indexes that match a pattern

  1. DELETE my-logs*

Create an index alias

This request creates the alias my-logs-today for the index my-logs-2019-11-13.

  1. PUT my-logs-2019-11-13/_alias/my-logs-today

List all aliases

  1. GET _cat/aliases?v

Search an index or all indexes that match a pattern

  1. GET my-logs/_search?q=test
  2. GET my-logs*/_search?q=test

Get cluster settings, including defaults

  1. GET _cluster/settings?include_defaults=true

Change disk watermarks (or other cluster settings)

  1. PUT _cluster/settings
  2. {
  3. "transient": {
  4. "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.low": "80%",
  5. "cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high": "85%"
  6. }
  7. }

Get cluster health

  1. GET _cluster/health

List nodes in the cluster

  1. GET _cat/nodes?v

Get node statistics

  1. GET _nodes/stats

Get snapshots in a repository

  1. GET _snapshot/my-repository/_all

Take a snapshot

  1. PUT _snapshot/my-repository/my-snapshot

Restore a snapshot

  1. POST _snapshot/my-repository/my-snapshot/_restore
  2. {
  3. "indices": "-.opendistro_security",
  4. "include_global_state": false
  5. }