Workflow settings

This is an experimental feature and is not recommended for use in a production environment. For updates on the progress of the feature or if you want to leave feedback, see the associated GitHub issue.

The following keys represent configurable workflow settings.

SettingData typeDefault valueDescription
plugins.flow_framework.enabledBooleanfalseWhether the Flow Framework API is enabled.
plugins.flow_framework.max_workflowsInteger1000The maximum number of workflows that you can create. When the limit is above 1,000, the number of existing workflows is defined as a lower bound for performance reasons, so the actual maximum may slightly exceed this value.
plugins.flow_framework.max_workflow_stepsInteger50The maximum number of steps a workflow can have.
plugins.flow_framework.request_timeoutTime units10sThe default timeout for REST requests, which applies to internal search queries.
plugins.flow_framework.task_request_retry_durationTime units5sWhen steps correspond to an API that produces a task_id, OpenSearch will retry them at this interval until completion.