Provision a workflow

This is an experimental feature and is not recommended for use in a production environment. For updates on the progress of the feature or if you want to leave feedback, see the associated GitHub issue.

Provisioning a workflow is a one-time setup process usually performed by a cluster administrator to create resources that will be used by end users.

The workflows template field may contain multiple workflows. The workflow with the provision key can be executed with this API. This API is also executed when the Create or Update Workflow API is called with the provision parameter set to true.

You can only provision a workflow if it has not yet been provisioned. Deprovision the workflow if you need to repeat provisioning.

Path and HTTP methods

  1. POST /_plugins/_flow_framework/workflow/<workflow_id>/_provision

Path parameters

The following table lists the available path parameters.

ParameterData typeDescription
workflow_idStringThe ID of the workflow to be provisioned. Required.

Example request

  1. POST /_plugins/_flow_framework/workflow/8xL8bowB8y25Tqfenm50/_provision


Example response

OpenSearch responds with the same workflow_id that was used in the request:

  1. {
  2. "workflow_id" : "8xL8bowB8y25Tqfenm50"
  3. }

To obtain the provisioning status, query the Get Workflow State API.