Configure GitHub

Configure GitHub for OpenFaaS Cloud

This guide is for connecting your self-hosted OpenFaaS Cloud to GitHub.

We will cover creating and configuring a GitHub App for webhooks and events and then a GitHub OAuth app for logging in to OpenFaaS Cloud with your GitHub Account.

Create a GitHub App

  • Click on Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings

  • Click GitHub Apps and New GitHub App

  • Enter your details

Fill out "GitHub App Name", "Webhook URL" and leave the secret blank for now.

Example webhook URL: https://system.YOURDOMAIN.TLD/github-event

Create your App

  • Set the Permissions as follows

Checks: Read & Write

Commit Statuses: Read & Write

Repository contents: Read-only

Set-up your permissions

  • No User permissions are required

  • Update "Subscribe to events" and select "Push" and "Repository"

Configure GitHub - 图3

  • Set the app to be installed on Any account

Configure GitHub - 图4

  • Finally click Create GitHub App

  • Navigate to your App's page on GitHub

  • Click "Generate a private key". A file will be downloaded, rename it to private-key.pem and place it in ~/Downloads.

Generate a private key

  • Note down your App's ID from this page

  • Take a note of the URL for your "Public Page", you will need to share this with your users

  • Install your App

Click Install App, then navigate to one of your GitHub repos or organisations and install the App onto selected repositories.

  • Diagostics

At any point you can return to this page and click "Advanced" here you can expand the requests and responses of all webhooks generated by your App.

It is highly recommended to enable authentication through OAuth. To set it up follow the steps in the next section. If you have decided not to configure OAuth then you can finish here.

That's it, you can now input this data into the ofc-bootstrap 1-click tool, or follow the developer instructions in the openfaas-cloud repo.

Create a GitHub OAuth integration (optional)

We will now create a GitHub OAuth integration so that we and our users can log into OpenFaaS Cloud using our GitHub account.

  • Click on Profile -> Settings -> Developer Settings

  • Click OAuth Apps and New OAuth App

  • Fill out the form

Configure GitHub - 图6

Set the Application Name as Login to My OpenFaaS Cloud

Set the Homepage URL to

Set your Authorization URL to https://auth.system.domain.tld/ where domain.tld is the domain name you are using for OpenFaaS Cloud

  • Click Register Application

  • Collect your client_id and client_secret

Configure GitHub - 图7

That's it, you can now input this data into the ofc-bootstrap 1-click tool, or follow the developer instructions in the openfaas-cloud repo.