Configure GitLab

Configure self-hosted GitLab for OpenFaaS Cloud

This guide is for connecting your own self-hosted GitLab instance to your OpenFaaS Cloud deployment.

Use this guide to configure your init.yaml file for use with ofc-bootstrap.

Edit your init.yaml file

  • Edit init.yaml and set gitlab_instance: to the public address of your GitLab instance.

  • Edit init.yaml and set scm: github to scm: gitlab.

Create an access token

You will need to create an access token with sudo permissions and API access.

  • Go to your Personal profile
  • Click Access Tokens
  • Create a token
  • Name: OpenFaaS Cloud
  • Scopes: api, read_repository, sudo, read_userYou will be given an API token at this time and must enter it into init.yaml.

Look for: "gitlab-api-token" and set the value to the value from the UI

Create the system hook

This hook will publish events when there is a git push into a repo.

Create an OAuth application

The OAuth application will be used for logging in to your dashboard.

System hooks

After creating your application you will get a client_id and client_secret.

Set your (Application Id) client_id in init.yaml under: oauth and client_id

Set your (Secret) client_secret in init.yaml under: "of-client-secret".

Set oauth_provider_base_url to, where this is the domain of your GitLab instance. Don't add a final slash to the URL.

Set enable_oauth to true