
OpenFaaS Cloud is: the same OpenFaaS you know and love, but packaged as a multi-user platform with git integration, CI/CD, secrets and HTTPS included.

Read an introduction to OpenFaaS Cloud on Alex Ellis' blog

OpenFaaS Cloud makes it even easier for developers to build and ship functions with Docker using a Git-based workflow with native integrations for GitHub and more integrations planned in the future.

Announcing @openfaas cloud at @DevNetCreate #TeamServerless #Serverless

— Jock Reed (@JockDaRock) April 10, 2018


  • Deploy and manage functions through git push
  • Use the Docker Hub or your own private registry
  • Use any official OpenFaaS language template or Docker images
  • Add secrets to your functions to access services securely via Bitnami's SealedSecrets
  • Secure integration with or self-hosted GitLab
  • Personal dashboard for each user or organization with authz by OAuth2 and detailed metrics
  • Auditing of events to Slack or custom function

Check out the roadmap in the GitHub repo for what's coming next and how to get involved.

Who is OpenFaaS Cloud for?

OpenFaaS Cloud is for anyone who wants to focus on shipping functions without worrying about the CI/CD pipeline or underlying infrastructure. OpenFaaS comes in two flavours - a free community-run hosted version and self-hosted on your own cluster.

OpenFaaSOpenFaaS Cloud
InstallationHelm, Docker YAMLGitHub App / GitLab tag
RBACShared team / single userMulti-user with OAuth2
Administrationfaas-cli, API, UI"git-push" or GitHub UI
PolicySpecify in stack.ymlLimits set for CPU/memory, read-only filesystem, non-root users
CI/CDJenkins, Travis, etcBuilt-in (via Buildkit)
UIOpenFaaS PortalPersonal dashboard
URLsGatewayPersonal sub-domains
TLSCustom solutionBuilt-in via LetsEncrypt and cert-manager
Source & GitLab self-hosted
SecretsKubernetes/Swarm secretsBitnami SealedSecrets

Community cluster

The OpenFaaS Cloud Community Cluster is a hosted version of OpenFaaS Cloud. The OpenFaaS Cloud Community Cluster is currently free and is the easiest way to try out OpenFaaS without having to set up anything yourself.

You can request access, and if accepted you will be able to deploy functions using the OpenFaaS templates or microservices using a Dockerfile. You'll get your own dashboard for your endpoints which come with HTTPS, build logs, built-in CI/CD and a personal sub-domain. Both private and public GitHub repositories are supported.

See also: Apply for Access


OpenFaaS Cloud is open source software which you can use to host your OpenFaaS Cloud cluster. OpenFaaS Cloud brings a managed, multi-user experience with built-in dashboard and CI/CD. This lowers the barrier to entry for teams, meaning that developers only need to know how to use git and require no pre-assumed knowledge of Docker or Kubernetes.

  • For an automated quick-start use ofc-bootstrap to provision OpenFaaS Cloud in 100 seconds on Kubernetes Video demo
  • Or start the Developer guide for a manual installation or to use Docker Swarm