Pre-defined floating-point types

The following floating-point types are pre-defined:


the generic floating-point type; its size used to be platform-dependent, but now it is always mapped to float64. This type should be used in general.


an implementation may define additional floating-point types of XX bits using this naming scheme (example: float64 is a 64-bit wide float). The current implementation supports float32 and float64. Literals of these types have the suffix ‘fXX.

Automatic type conversion in expressions with different kinds of floating-point types is performed: See Convertible relation for further details. Arithmetic performed on floating-point types follows the IEEE standard. Integer types are not converted to floating-point types automatically and vice versa.

The IEEE standard defines five types of floating-point exceptions:

  • Invalid: operations with mathematically invalid operands, for example 0.0/0.0, sqrt(-1.0), and log(-37.8).
  • Division by zero: divisor is zero and dividend is a finite nonzero number, for example 1.0/0.0.
  • Overflow: operation produces a result that exceeds the range of the exponent, for example MAXDOUBLE+0.0000000000001e308.
  • Underflow: operation produces a result that is too small to be represented as a normal number, for example, MINDOUBLE * MINDOUBLE.
  • Inexact: operation produces a result that cannot be represented with infinite precision, for example, 2.0 / 3.0, log(1.1) and 0.1 in input.

The IEEE exceptions are either ignored during execution or mapped to the Nim exceptions: FloatInvalidOpDefect, FloatDivByZeroDefect, FloatOverflowDefect, FloatUnderflowDefect, and FloatInexactDefect. These exceptions inherit from the FloatingPointDefect base class.

Nim provides the pragmas nanChecks and infChecks to control whether the IEEE exceptions are ignored or trap a Nim exception:

  1. {.nanChecks: on, infChecks: on.}
  2. var a = 1.0
  3. var b = 0.0
  4. echo b / b # raises FloatInvalidOpDefect
  5. echo a / b # raises FloatOverflowDefect

In the current implementation FloatDivByZeroDefect and FloatInexactDefect are never raised. FloatOverflowDefect is raised instead of FloatDivByZeroDefect. There is also a floatChecks pragma that is a short-cut for the combination of nanChecks and infChecks pragmas. floatChecks are turned off as default.

The only operations that are affected by the floatChecks pragma are the +, -, *, / operators for floating-point types.

An implementation should always use the maximum precision available to evaluate floating-point values during semantic analysis; this means expressions like 0.09’f32 + 0.01’f32 == 0.09’f64 + 0.01’f64 that are evaluating during constant folding are true.