Exportc pragma

The exportc pragma provides a means to export a type, a variable, or a procedure to C. Enums and constants can’t be exported. The optional argument is a string containing the C identifier. If the argument is missing, the C name is the Nim identifier exactly as spelled:

  1. proc callme(formatstr: cstring) {.exportc: "callMe", varargs.}

Note that this pragma is somewhat of a misnomer: Other backends do provide the same feature under the same name.

The string literal passed to exportc can be a format string:

  1. proc p(s: string) {.exportc: "prefix$1".} =
  2. echo s

In the example, the external name of p is set to prefixp. Only $1 is available and a literal dollar sign must be written as $$.

If the symbol should also be exported to a dynamic library, the dynlib pragma should be used in addition to the exportc pragma. See Dynlib pragma for export.