
When you need to run additional assertions on an argument, the ArgumentCaptor is the tool for the job in Mockito. An ArgumentCaptor will keep track of arguments passed to a mocked method, then allow you to retreve the argument later.

  1. val personArgument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(
  2. verify(mockPhone).call(personArgument.capture())
  3. assertEquals("Sarah Jane",

MockK has a similar utility called a CapturingSlot. The functionality is very similar to Mockito, but the usage is different. Rather than calling the method argumentCaptor.capture() to create a argument matcher, you wrap the slot in a capture() function. You access the captured value using the slot.captured property rather than the argumentCaptor.value getter.

  1. val personSlot = slot<Person>()
  2. every { }
  3. assertEquals("Sarah Jane",

As an alternative to CapturingSlot, a MutableList can be used to store captured arguments. Simply pass an instance of a mutable list to capture instead of the slot. This allows you to record all captured values, as CapturingSlot only records the most recent value.

Inline assertions

It turns out that there is an even simpler way to run assertions on an argument in MockK. The withArg function is an argument matcher that takes a lambda that will be executed when the mocked function is called, with the argument passed to the lambda. This allows you to run assertions without managing argument captors or capturing slots.

  1. every {
  2. { person ->
  3. assertEquals("Sarah Jane",
  4. })
  5. }

When dealing with one-off assertions, withArg will do everything you need with less code.