Mock constructors in code you don’t own

Sometimes your classes have dependencies that they construct themselves. While it’s best to use a system like dependency injection to avoid this, MockK makes it possible to control constructors and make them return a mocked instance.

The mockkConstructor(T::class) function takes in a class reference. Once used, every constructor of that type will start returning a singleton that can be mocked. Rather than building a new instance every time the constructor is called, MockK generates a singleton and always returns the same instance. This will apply to all constructors for a given class, there is no way to distinguish between them.

The mocked result can be obtained by using anyConstructed<T>(). Using this function, stubbing and verification can be done just like any other mock.


If you’d like to revert back to the real constructor, you can use the unmockkConstructor method. This removes any stubbed behaviour you may have added.