[Video] Matomo’s Session Recordings Feature

TRANSCRIPT: If you are really looking to “wow” your clients or stakeholders; or just looking to “wow’ yourself, then the Session Recordings feature will do just that. There is no better way to see how your visitors are interacting with your website, then to see how visitors are interacting with your website!

The Sessions Recording feature captures screen recordings of your visitors navigating their way through your webpages. You will be able to replay and analyse the visitors entire session which will give you a complete picture of their experience. It is also incredibly simple to set up which takes just seconds.

You will see coloured motion lines appearing to show how the visitor is controlling the mouse; you can see where they click; scroll and you can get a lot of other detailed information about this session; including the visitor profile feature which will show all the pages and actions individual users went on to take.

So remember, do make sure to analyse regularly and make effective decisions on where customers may be stuck on your website. Session Recordings enable you to continually enhance the usability for your visitors and make sure they are finding the information they want to see.

So, first activate the feature; then sit back and enjoy the show.