[Video] Matomo’s Acquisitions Feature

TRANSCRIPT: So let’s say you’re a small business owner and you’re actively trying a few different digital marketing channels to promote your business. You’ve got a Facebook and Instagram page you post on; you’ve even tried Facebook advertising to drive more customers to your website; you’ve also possibly tried Google Adwords for the same purposes and you send out a monthly e-newsletter to your database to tell them about your latest promotion. How do you measure the success of your digital marketing time and investment? Well, that’s what the Acquisition feature does.

Acquisition shows you the external sources where your visitor came from before landing on your website. Your visitor could have come from a search engine, a social media channel, an email, from pay-per-click advertising; an external website; or it could be from customers coming in directly to your website.

Let’s start with the Search Engines & Keywords feature. You will be pleased to know that Matomo provides FULL search engine referrer information by easily integrating your Google, Bing and Yahoo search consoles which gives you the most valuable insights on the keywords your customers used to find your website across multiple search engines. And under Search Keywords, you can also see keyword ranking positions over time across Google, Bing, and Yahoo; and the best is, you no longer have to worry about seeing “keyword not defined” showing up in your reports.

Next, under the Websites feature, you can see what external websites are linking to yours and how popular they are for converting your visitors. Similar with the Social feature, which analyses how your social media channels are performing. You can also change the visualisation to present the data in a way that makes the most sense to you and to select which view shows your most important metrics, like which external websites or social media channels are converting into goals.

And if you want to get even more specific about being able to see the results of your digital marketing efforts; you can use the Campaigns feature to ensure nothing is missed. Let’s say you are posting two important posts on Facebook on the same day and you want to know which posts drives more conversions and click-throughs to your website; you can use Matomo’s URL builder to create a unique hyperlink to differentiate which clicks came from each Facebook post {matomo.org/url-builder}. This will let you know what messaging is leading to website traffic and which is then going on to convert.

If you want a more detailed overview of which channels are converting into Goals and Sales for your business; under Goals, you can see under the Acquisition Type section more details on the channels that lead to conversions.

This is the same for eCommerce. Click on Sales under the eCommerce feature; and here are all you external channels under Acquisition Type to show which channels are leading to purchases.

Use the Acquisitions section to give you an overview of what channels are working for your business and where to make smarter decisions in which channels to invest in.