Table Manager

Loki supports storing indexes and chunks in table-based data storages. Whensuch a storage type is used, multiple tables are created over the time: eachtable - also called periodic table - contains the data for a specific timerange.

This design brings two main benefits:

  1. Schema config changes: each table is bounded to a schema config andversion, so that changes can be introduced over the time and multiple schemaconfigs can coexist
  2. Retention: the retention is implemented deleting an entire table, whichallows to have fast delete operations

The Table Manager is a Loki component which takes care of creating aperiodic table before its time period begins, and deleting it once its datatime range exceeds the retention period.

The Table Manager supports the following backends:

The object storages - like Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage - supported by Lokito store chunks, are not managed by the Table Manager, and a custom bucket policyshould be set to delete old data.

For detailed information on configuring the Table Manager, refer to thetable_managersection in the Loki configuration document.

Tables and schema config

A periodic table stores the index or chunk data relative to a specific periodof time. The duration of the time range of the data stored in a single table andits storage type is configured in theschema_config configurationblock.

The schema_config can containone or more configs. Each config, defines the storage used between the dayset in from (in the format yyyy-mm-dd) and the next config, or “now”in the case of the last schema config entry.

This allows to have multiple non-overlapping schema configs over the time, inorder to perform schema version upgrades or change storage settings (includingchanging the storage type).


The write path hits the table where the log entry timestamp falls into (usuallythe last table, except short periods close to the end of a table and thebeginning of the next one), while the read path hits the tables containing datafor the query time range.

Schema config example

For example, the following schema_config defines two configurations: the firstone using the schema v8 and the current one using the v9.

The first config stores data between 2019-01-01 and 2019-04-14 (included),then a new config has been added - to upgrade the schema version to v9 -storing data using the v9 schema from 2019-04-15 on.

For each config, multiple tables are created, each one storing data forperiod time (168 hours = 7 days).

  1. schema_config:
  2. configs:
  3. - from: 2019-01-01
  4. store: dynamo
  5. schema: v8
  6. index:
  7. prefix: loki_
  8. period: 168h
  9. - from: 2019-04-15
  10. store: dynamo
  11. schema: v9
  12. index:
  13. prefix: loki_
  14. period: 168h

Table creation

The Table Manager creates new tables slightly ahead of their start period, inorder to make sure that the new table is ready once the current table endperiod is reached.

The creation_grace_period property - in thetable_managerconfiguration block - defines how long before a table should be created.


The retention - managed by the Table Manager - is disabled by default, due toits destructive nature. You can enable the data retention explicitly enablingit in the configuration and setting a retention_period greater than zero:

  1. table_manager:
  2. retention_deletes_enabled: true
  3. retention_period: 336h

The Table Manager implements the retention deleting the entire tables whosedata exceeded the retention_period. This design allows to have fast deleteoperations, at the cost of having a retention granularity controlled by thetable’s period.

Given each table contains data for period of time and that the entire tableis deleted, the Table Manager keeps the last tables alive using this formula:

  1. number_of_tables_to_keep = floor(retention_period / table_period) + 1


It’s important to note that - due to the internal implementation - the tableperiod and retention_period must be multiples of 24h in order to getthe expected behavior.

For detailed information on configuring the retention, refer to theLoki Storage Retentiondocumentation.

Active / inactive tables

A table can be active or inactive.

A table is considered active if the current time is within the range:


Currently, the difference between an active and inactive table only appliesto the DynamoDB storage settings: capacity mode (on-demand or provisioned),read/write capacity units and autoscaling.

DynamoDB Active table Inactive table
Capacity mode provisioned_throughput_on_demand_mode inactive_throughput_on_demand_mode
Read capacity unit provisioned_read_throughput inactive_read_throughput
Write capacity unit provisioned_write_throughput inactive_write_throughput
Autoscaling Enabled (if configured) Always disabled

DynamoDB Provisioning

When configuring DynamoDB with the Table Manager, the default on-demandprovisioningcapacity units for reads are set to 300 and writes are set to 3000. Thedefaults can be overwritten:

  1. table_manager:
  2. index_tables_provisioning:
  3. provisioned_write_throughput: 10
  4. provisioned_read_throughput: 10
  5. chunk_tables_provisioning:
  6. provisioned_write_throughput: 10
  7. provisioned_read_throughput: 10

If Table Manager is not automatically managing DynamoDB, old data cannot easilybe erased and the index will grow indefinitely. Manual configurations shouldensure that the primary index key is set to h (string) and the sort key is setto r (binary). The “period” attribute in the configuration YAML should be setto 0.

Table Manager deployment mode

The Table Manager can be executed in two ways:

  1. Implicitly executed when Loki runs in monolithic mode (single process)
  2. Explicitly executed when Loki runs in microservices mode

Monolithic mode

When Loki runs in monolithic mode,the Table Manager is also started as component of the entire stack.

Microservices mode

When Loki runs in microservices mode,the Table Manager should be started as separate service named table-manager.

You can check out a production grade deployment example attable-manager.libsonnet.