
KubeVirt authorization is performed using Kubernetes’s Resource Based Authorization Control system (RBAC). RBAC allows cluster admins to grant access to cluster resources by binding RBAC roles to users.

For example, an admin creates an RBAC role that represents the permissions required to create a VirtualMachineInstance. The admin can then bind that role to users in order to grant them the permissions required to launch a VirtualMachineInstance.

With RBAC roles, admins can grant users targeted access to various KubeVirt features.

KubeVirt Default RBAC ClusterRoles

KubeVirt comes with a set of predefined RBAC ClusterRoles that can be used to grant users permissions to access KubeVirt Resources.

Default View Role

The ClusterRole gives users permissions to view all KubeVirt resources in the cluster. The permissions to create, delete, modify or access any KubeVirt resources beyond viewing the resource’s spec are not included in this role. This means a user with this role could see that a VirtualMachineInstance is running, but neither shutdown nor gain access to that VirtualMachineInstance via console/VNC.

Default Edit Role

The ClusterRole gives users permissions to modify all KubeVirt resources in the cluster. For example, a user with this role can create new VirtualMachineInstances, delete VirtualMachineInstances, and gain access to both console and VNC.

Default Admin Role

The ClusterRole grants users full permissions to all KubeVirt resources, including the ability to delete collections of resources.

The admin role also grants users access to view and modify the KubeVirt runtime config. This config exists within the Kubevirt Custom Resource under the configuration key in the namespace the KubeVirt operator is running.

NOTE Users are only guaranteed the ability to modify the kubevirt runtime configuration if a ClusterRoleBinding is used. A RoleBinding will work to provide kubevirt CR access only if the RoleBinding targets the same namespace that the kubevirt CR exists in.

Binding Default ClusterRoles to Users

The KubeVirt default ClusterRoles are granted to users by creating either a ClusterRoleBinding or RoleBinding object.

Binding within All Namespaces

With a ClusterRoleBinding, users receive the permissions granted by the role across all namespaces.

Binding within Single Namespace

With a RoleBinding, users receive the permissions granted by the role only within a targeted namespace.

Extending Kubernetes Default Roles with KubeVirt permissions

The aggregated ClusterRole Kubernetes feature facilitates combining multiple ClusterRoles into a single aggregated ClusterRole. This feature is commonly used to extend the default Kubernetes roles with permissions to access custom resources that do not exist in the Kubernetes core.

In order to extend the default Kubernetes roles to provide permission to access KubeVirt resources, we need to add the following labels to the KubeVirt ClusterRoles.

  1. kubectl label clusterrole
  2. kubectl label clusterrole
  3. kubectl label clusterrole

By adding these labels, any user with a RoleBinding or ClusterRoleBinding involving one of the default Kubernetes roles will automatically gain access to the equivalent KubeVirt roles as well.

More information about aggregated cluster roles can be found here

Creating Custom RBAC Roles

If the default KubeVirt ClusterRoles are not expressive enough, admins can create their own custom RBAC roles to grant user access to KubeVirt resources. The creation of a RBAC role is inclusive only, meaning there’s no way to deny access. Instead access is only granted.

Below is an example of what KubeVirt’s default admin ClusterRole looks like. A custom RBAC role can be created by reducing the permissions in this example role.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: ClusterRole
  3. metadata:
  4. name: my-custom-rbac-role
  5. labels:
  6. ""
  7. rules:
  8. - apiGroups:
  9. -
  10. resources:
  11. - virtualmachineinstances/console
  12. - virtualmachineinstances/vnc
  13. verbs:
  14. - get
  15. - apiGroups:
  16. -
  17. resources:
  18. - virtualmachineinstances
  19. - virtualmachines
  20. - virtualmachineinstancepresets
  21. - virtualmachineinstancereplicasets
  22. verbs:
  23. - get
  24. - delete
  25. - create
  26. - update
  27. - patch
  28. - list
  29. - watch
  30. - deletecollection