Mediated devices and virtual GPUs

KubeVirt aims to facilitate the configuration of mediated devices on large clusters. The new mediatedDevicesConfiguration API in KubeVirt CR allows administrators to create or remove mediated devices in a declarative way, by providing a list of the desired mediated devices types that they expect to be configured in the cluster.

It would also be possible to provide a more specific configuration that targets a specific node or a group of nodes directly. This can be achieved by using the nodeMediatedDeviceTypes, however, it must be used in a combination with mediatedDevicesTypes, to override the global configuration set in mediatedDevicesTypes section. Therefore, using nodeMediatedDeviceTypes without the mediatedDevicesTypes section is not supported.

KubeVirt will use the provided configuration to automatically create the relevant mdev/vGPU devices on nodes that can support it.

Currently, a single mdev type per card will be configured. The maximum amount of instances of the selected mdev type will be configured per card.

Note: Some vendors, such as NVIDIA, require a driver to be installed on the nodes to provide mediated devices, including vGPUs.

Here’s an example of a configuration that can be provided to KubeVirt CR:

  1. spec:
  2. configuration:
  3. mediatedDevicesConfiguration:
  4. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  5. - nvidia-222
  6. - nvidia-228
  7. nodeMediatedDeviceTypes:
  8. - nodeSelector:
  9. nodeName
  10. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  11. - nvidia-234

Configuration scenarios

Large cluster with multiple cards on each node

On nodes with multiple cards that can support similar vGPU types, the relevant desired types will be created in a round-robin manner.

For example, considering the following configuration:

  1. mediatedDevicesConfiguration:
  2. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  3. - nvidia-222
  4. - nvidia-228
  5. - nvidia-105
  6. - nvidia-108

* Nodes with 2 Tesla T4 cards * Each card can support multiple types: * nvidia-222 * nvidia-223 * nvidia-228 * … * Nodes with 2 Tesla V100 cards * Each card can support multiple types: * nvidia-105 * … * nvidia-108 * nvidia-217 * nvidia-299 * …

KubeVirt will create the following devices:

  • Nodes with 3 Tesla T4 cards will be configured with
  • 16 vGPUs of type nvidia-222 on card 1
  • 2 vGPUs of type nvidia-228 on card 2
  • 16 vGPUs of type nvidia-222 on card 3
  • Nodes with 2 Tesla V100 cards will be configured with
  • 16 vGPUs of type nvidia-105 on card 1
  • 2 vGPUs of type nvidia-108 on card 2

Single card on a node, multiple desired vGPU types are supported

The first supported type from the list will be configured

For example, consider the following list of desired types, where nvidia-223 and nvidia-224 are supported:
  1. mediatedDevicesConfiguration:
  2. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  3. - nvidia-22
  4. - nvidia-223
  5. - nvidia-224

In this case, nvidia-223 will be configured on the node.

Overriding configuration on a specifc node

nodeMediatedDeviceTypes needs to be used along with mediatedDevicesTypes, to override the global config brought in by, mediatedDevicesTypes.

For example, considering the following configuration:

  1. mediatedDevicesConfiguration:
  2. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  3. - nvidia-230
  4. - nvidia-223
  5. - nvidia-224
  6. nodeMediatedDeviceTypes:
  7. - nodeSelector:
  8. node2
  9. mediatedDevicesTypes:
  10. - nvidia-234

* Two nodes has 2 Tesla T4 cards * Each card can support a long list of types: * nvidia-222 * nvidia-223 * nvidia-224 * nvidia-230 * …

KubeVirt will create the following devices: * Node 1 * type nvidia-230 on card 1 * type nvidia-223 on card 2 * Node 2 * type nvidia-234 on card 1 and card 2

Updating and Removing vGPU types

Changes made to the mediatedDevicesTypes section of the KubeVirt CR will trigger a re-evaluation of the configured mdevs/vGPU types on the cluster nodes.

Any change to the node labels that match the nodeMediatedDeviceTypes nodeSelector in the KubeVirt CR will trigger a similar re-evaluation.

Consequently, mediated devices will be reconfigured or entirely removed based on the updated configuration.

Assigning vGPU/MDEV to a Virtual Machine

See the Host Devices Assignment to learn how to consume the newly created mediated devices/vGPUs