Version: v1.3

Custom installation and upgrade

By default, KubeVela will use a self-signed certificate provided by kube-webhook-certgen for admissionWebhooks. You can also use cert-manager if it’s available. Note that you need to install cert-manager before the KubeVela chart.

  1. helm repo add jetstack
  2. helm repo update
  3. helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v1.2.0 --create-namespace --set installCRDs=true

Install kubevela with enabled certmanager:

  1. vela install --set admissionWebhooks.certManager.enabled=true
  1. # List all releases
  2. vela version list -a
  3. # Install the specified version.
  4. vela install --version 1.3.0-beta.2
  • Script
  • Homebrew
  • Download directly from releases


  1. curl -fsSl | bash -s 1.3.6


Only the official release version is supported.

  1. powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"


Update your brew first. Please note that the brew method only supports the installation of the official release version.

  1. brew update

Then install KubeVela CLI

  1. brew install kubevela
  • Download the latest vela binary file via release log.
  • Unzip the binary file, and configure the environment variables in $PATH, and you’re done.
  1. sudo mv ./vela /usr/local/bin/vela

Installation Tips: If you are using a Mac system, it will pop up a warning that “vela” cannot be opened because the package from the developer cannot be verified.

MacOS imposes stricter restrictions on the software that can run in the system. You can temporarily solve this problem by opening System Preference ->Security & Privacy -> General and clicking on Allow Anyway.

  1. vela install --version v1.3.6
  1. vela addon enable velaux version=v1.3.6

If you set custom parameters during installation, be sure to include the corresponding parameters.

Install vela kubectl plugin can help you to ship applications more easily!

  • Krew
  • Script
  1. Install and set up Krew on your machine.
  2. Discover plugins available on Krew:
  1. kubectl krew update
  1. install kubectl vela:
  1. kubectl krew install vela


  1. curl -fsSl | bash

You can also download the binary from release pages ( >= v1.0.3) manually. Kubectl will discover it from your system path automatically.

For more usage please reference kubectl plugin.

Last updated on Nov 1, 2022 by Tianxin Dong