Version: v1.3

Provision and Binding Cloud Resources

Cloud-oriented development is now becoming the norm, there is an urgent need to integrate cloud resources from different sources and types. Whether it is the most basic object storage, cloud database, or load balancing, it is all faced with the challenges of hybrid cloud, multi-cloud and other complex environments. KubeVela is perfect to satisfy the needs.

KubeVela efficiently and securely integrates different types of cloud resources through resource binding capabilities in cloud resource Components and Traits. At present, you can directly use the default components of those cloud resources below. At the same time, more new cloud resources will gradually become the default option under the support of the community in the future. You can use cloud resources of various manufacturers in a standardized and unified way.

This tutorial will talk about how to provision and consume Cloud Resources by Terraform.

⚠️ This section requires your platform engineers have already enabled cloud resources addon.

All supported Terraform cloud resources can be seen in the list. You can also filter them by command by vela components --label type=terraform.

Use the following Application to provision an OSS bucket:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: provision-cloud-resource-sample
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: sample-oss
  8. type: alibaba-oss
  9. properties:
  10. bucket: vela-website-0911
  11. acl: private
  12. writeConnectionSecretToRef:
  13. name: oss-conn

The above alibaba-oss component will create an OSS bucket named vela-website-0911, with private acl, with connection information stored in a secreted named oss-conn. description, whether it’s compulsory, and default value.

Apply the above application, then check the status:

  1. $ vela ls
  3. provision-cloud-resource-sample sample-oss alibaba-oss running healthy Cloud resources are deployed and ready to use 2021-09-11 12:55:57 +0800 CST

After the phase becomes running and healthy, you can then check the OSS bucket in Alibaba Cloud console or by ossutil command.

  1. $ ossutil ls oss://
  2. CreationTime Region StorageClass BucketName
  3. 2021-09-11 12:56:17 +0800 CST oss-cn-beijing Standard oss://vela-website-0911

Let’s deploy the application below to provision Alibaba Cloud OSS and RDS cloud resources, and consume them by the web component.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: Application
  3. metadata:
  4. name: webapp
  5. spec:
  6. components:
  7. - name: express-server
  8. type: webservice
  9. properties:
  10. image: zzxwill/flask-web-application:v0.3.1-crossplane
  11. port: 80
  12. traits:
  13. - type: service-binding
  14. properties:
  15. envMappings:
  16. # environments refer to db-conn secret
  18. secret: db-conn # 1) If the env name is the same as the secret key, secret key can be omitted.
  19. endpoint:
  20. secret: db-conn
  21. key: DB_PUBLIC_HOS # 2) If the env name is different from secret key, secret key has to be set.
  22. username:
  23. secret: db-conn
  24. key: DB_USER
  25. # environments refer to oss-conn secret
  27. secret: oss-conn
  28. - name: sample-db
  29. type: alibaba-rds
  30. properties:
  31. instance_name: sample-db
  32. account_name: oamtest
  33. password: U34rfwefwefffaked
  34. writeConnectionSecretToRef:
  35. name: db-conn
  36. - name: sample-oss
  37. type: alibaba-oss
  38. properties:
  39. bucket: vela-website-0911
  40. acl: private
  41. writeConnectionSecretToRef:
  42. name: oss-conn

The component sample-db will generate secret db-conn with these keys, and the component sample-oss will generate secret oss-conn. These secrets are binded to the Envs of component express-server by trait Service Binding. Then the component can consume instances of OSS and RDS.

Deploy and verify the application.

  1. $ vela ls
  3. webapp express-server webservice service-binding running healthy 2021-09-08 16:50:41 +0800 CST
  4. ├─ sample-db alibaba-rds running healthy 2021-09-08 16:50:41 +0800 CST
  5. └─ sample-oss alibaba-oss running healthy 2021-09-08 16:50:41 +0800 CST
  1. $ vela port-forward webapp
  2. Forwarding from -> 80
  3. Forwarding from [::1]:8080 -> 80
  4. Forward successfully! Opening browser ...

Provision and Binding Cloud Resources - 图1

Last updated on Nov 1, 2022 by Tianxin Dong