ks param

Manage ksonnet parameters for components and environments


Parameters are customizable fields that are used inside ksonnet component
manifests. Examples might include a deployment’s ‘name’ or ‘image’. Parameters
can also be defined on a per-environment basis. (Environments are ksonnet
deployment targets, e.g. specific clusters. For more info, run ks env --help.)

For example, this allows a dev and prod environment to use the same component
manifest for an nginx deployment, but customize prod to use more replicas to meet
heavier load demands.

Params are structured as follows:

  • App params (stored in components/params.libsonnet)

    • Component-specific params
      • Originally populated from ks generate
      • e.g. 80 for deployment-example.port
    • Global params
      • Out of scope for CLI (requires Jsonnet editing)
      • Use to make a variable accessible to multiple components (e.g. service name)
  • Per-environment params (stored in + environments/<env-name>/params.libsonnet)

    • Component-specific params ONLY
    • Override app params (~inheritance)

Note that all of these params are tracked locally in version-controllable
Jsonnet files.


  1. -h, --help help for param

Options inherited from parent commands

  1. --dir string Ksonnet application root to use; Defaults to CWD
  2. --tls-skip-verify Skip verification of TLS server certificates
  3. -v, --verbose count Increase verbosity. May be given multiple times.


  • ks - Configure your application to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster
  • ks param delete - Delete component or environment parameters
  • ks param diff - Display differences between the component parameters of two environments
  • ks param list - List known component parameters
  • ks param set - Change component or environment parameters (e.g. replica count, name)