
Configure your application to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster


You can use the ks commands to write, share, and deploy your Kubernetes
application configuration to remote clusters.

  1. ks [flags]


  1. --dir string Ksonnet application root to use; Defaults to CWD
  2. -h, --help help for ks
  3. --tls-skip-verify Skip verification of TLS server certificates
  4. -v, --verbose count Increase verbosity. May be given multiple times.


  • ks apply - Apply local Kubernetes manifests (components) to remote clusters
  • ks component - Manage ksonnet components
  • ks delete - Remove component-specified Kubernetes resources from remote clusters
  • ks diff - Compare manifests, based on environment or location (local or remote)
  • ks env - Manage ksonnet environments
  • ks generate - Use the specified prototype to generate a component manifest
  • ks import - Import manifest
  • ks init - Initialize a ksonnet application
  • ks module - Manage ksonnet modules
  • ks param - Manage ksonnet parameters for components and environments
  • ks pkg - Manage packages and dependencies for the current ksonnet application
  • ks prototype - Instantiate, inspect, and get examples for ksonnet prototypes
  • ks registry - Manage registries for current project
  • ks show - Show expanded manifests for a specific environment.
  • ks upgrade - Upgrade ks configuration
  • ks validate - Check generated component manifests against the server’s API
  • ks version - Print version information for this ksonnet binary