Manually build and install ks

Copy and paste the following commands:

  1. # Clone the ksonnet repo into your GOPATH
  2. go get
  3. # Build and install binary under shortname `ks` into $GOPATH/bin
  4. cd $GOPATH/src/
  5. make install

If your ksonnet is properly installed, you should be able to run ks --help and see output describing the various ks commands.

Common issues

  • If your error is “open /bin/ks: operation not permitted”, ensure that your $GOPATH is set appropriately.
    If echo $GOPATH results in empty output, you’ll need to set it.
    If you’re using macOS, trying adding the line export GOPATH=$HOME/go to the end of your $HOME/.bash_profile.

    Other systems may have different $GOPATH defaults (e.g. /usr/local/go), in which case you should use those instead.
    (If you get stuck, these instructions may help).

    The ksonnet Makefile assumes you have one and only one directory in your $GOPATH.

  • You may need to specify your $GOPATH in the same command as make install.
    For example, try GOPATH=<your-go-path> make install (making sure to replace <your-go-path>), instead of just make install.

  • If your error is “command not found”, make sure that Go binaries are included in your $PATH.
    You can do this by running PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin.