Configure Knative system-internal encryption


The Knative Serving encryption features cluster-local-domain-tls and system-internal-tls are in experimental state. Please use with caution!

Before you begin

You must meet the following requirements to enable secure HTTPS connections:


This feature is currently only supported with Kourier as a networking layer.

Installing and configuring cert-manager and integration

First, you need to install and configure cert-manager and the Knative cert-manager integration. Please refer to Configuring Knative cert-manager integration for details.

Enabling system-internal-tls

To enable system-internal-tls update the config-network ConfigMap in the knative-serving namespace:

  1. Run the following command to edit your config-network ConfigMap:

    1. kubectl edit configmap config-network -n knative-serving
  2. Add the system-internal-tls: Enabled attribute under the data section:

    1. apiVersion: v1
    2. kind: ConfigMap
    3. metadata:
    4. name: config-network
    5. namespace: knative-serving
    6. data:
    7. ...
    8. system-internal-tls: Enabled
    9. ...
  3. Restart the Knative activator and controller component to start the Knative cert-manager integration:

    1. kubectl rollout restart deploy/activator -n knative-serving
    2. kubectl rollout restart deploy/controller -n knative-serving

Congratulations! Knative will now use TLS between its internal system components (Ingress-Controller, Activator and Queue-Proxy).


  1. Deploy a Knative Service

  2. Check if certificates are created and ready with kubectl get kcert -n <your-knative-service-namespace>

  3. Check if the Queue-Proxy container reads the certificate on startup with

    1. kubectl logs your-pod -n your-knative-service-namespace -c queue-proxy | grep -E 'certDir|Certificate|tls'

    It should look like this:

    1. {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2024-01-03T07:07:32.892810888Z","logger":"queueproxy","caller":"certificate/watcher.go:62","message":"Starting to watch the following directories for changes{certDir 15 0 /var/lib/knative/certs <nil>} {keyDir 15 0 /var/lib/knative/certs <nil>}","commit":"86420f2-dirty","":"first/helloworld-00001","":"helloworld-00001-deployment-75fbb7d488-qgmxx"}
    2. {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2024-01-03T07:07:32.89397512Z","logger":"queueproxy","caller":"certificate/watcher.go:131","message":"Certificate and/or key have changed on disk and were reloaded.","commit":"86420f2-dirty","":"first/helloworld-00001","":"helloworld-00001-deployment-75fbb7d488-qgmxx"}
    3. {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2024-01-03T07:07:32.894232939Z","logger":"queueproxy","caller":"sharedmain/main.go:282","message":"Starting tls server admin:8022","commit":"86420f2-dirty","":"first/helloworld-00001","":"helloworld-00001-deployment-75fbb7d488-qgmxx"}
    4. {"severity":"INFO","timestamp":"2024-01-03T07:07:32.894268548Z","logger":"queueproxy","caller":"sharedmain/main.go:282","message":"Starting tls server main:8112","commit":"86420f2-dirty","":"first/helloworld-00001","":"helloworld-00001-deployment-75fbb7d488-qgmxx"}



A quick note on trust, Knative will automatically trust the CA that signed the Certificates, if the cert-manager issuer allows putting the CA directly in the field ca.crt of the certificates Secret. Regardless of that, Cluster admins should always provide a trust-bundle, as described in Configuring Knative cert-manager integration. This is also strongly recommended in the cert-manager documentation to avoid issues with rotation.