Configuring the Eventing Operator custom resource

You can configure the Knative Eventing operator by modifying settings in the KnativeEventing custom resource (CR).

Setting a default channel

If you are using different channel implementations, like the KafkaChannel, or you want a specific configuration of the InMemoryChannel to be the default configuration, you can change the default behavior by updating the default-ch-webhook ConfigMap.

You can do this by modifying the KnativeEventing CR:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. config:
  8. default-ch-webhook:
  9. default-ch-config: |
  10. clusterDefault:
  11. apiVersion:
  12. kind: KafkaChannel
  13. spec:
  14. numPartitions: 10
  15. replicationFactor: 1
  16. namespaceDefaults:
  17. my-namespace:
  18. apiVersion:
  19. kind: InMemoryChannel
  20. spec:
  21. delivery:
  22. backoffDelay: PT0.5S
  23. backoffPolicy: exponential
  24. retry: 5


The clusterDefault setting determines the global, cluster-wide default channel type. You can configure channel defaults for individual namespaces by using the namespaceDefaults setting.

Setting the default channel for the broker

If you are using a Channel based Broker, you can change the default Channel type for the Broker from InMemoryChannel to KafkaChannel, by updating the config-br-default-channel ConfigMap.

You can do this by modifying the KnativeEventing CR:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. config:
  8. config-br-default-channel:
  9. channel-template-spec: |
  10. apiVersion:
  11. kind: KafkaChannel
  12. spec:
  13. numPartitions: 6
  14. replicationFactor: 1

Private repository and private secrets

The Knative Eventing Operator CR is configured the same way as the Knative Serving Operator CR. See the documentation on Private repository and private secret.

Knative Eventing also specifies only one container within each Deployment resource. However, the container does not use the same name as its parent Deployment, which means that the container name in Knative Eventing is not the same unique identifier as it is in Knative Serving.

List of containers within each Deployment resource:

ComponentDeployment nameContainer name
Core eventingeventing-controllereventing-controller
Core eventingeventing-webhookeventing-webhook
Eventing Brokerbroker-controllereventing-controller
In-Memory Channelimc-controllercontroller
In-Memory Channelimc-dispatcherdispatcher

The default field can still be used to replace the images in a predefined format. However, if the container name is not a unique identifier, for example eventing-controller, you must use the override field to replace it, by specifying deployment/container as the unique key.

Some images are defined by using the environment variable in Knative Eventing. They can be replaced by taking advantage of the override field.

Download images in a predefined format without secrets

This example shows how you can define custom image links that can be defined in the KnativeEventing CR using the simplified format${NAME}:{CUSTOM-TAG}.

In this example:

  • The custom tag latest is used for all images.
  • All image links are accessible without using secrets.
  • Images are defined in the accepted format${NAME}:{CUSTOM-TAG}.

To define your image links:

  1. Push images to the following image tags:

    DeploymentContainerDocker image
  2. Define your KnativeEventing CR with following content:

    1. apiVersion:
    2. kind: KnativeEventing
    3. metadata:
    4. name: knative-eventing
    5. namespace: knative-eventing
    6. spec:
    7. registry:
    8. default:${NAME}:latest
    9. override:
    10. broker-controller/eventing-controller:

You can also run the following commands to make the equivalent change:

  1. ```bash
  2. kn operator configure images --component eventing --imageKey default --imageURL${NAME}:latest -n knative-eventing
  3. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName broker-controller --imageKey eventing-controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  4. ```
  5. - `${NAME}` maps to the container name in each `Deployment` resource.
  6. - `default` is used to define the image format for all containers, except the container `eventing-controller` in the deployment `broker-controller`. To replace the image for this container, use the `override`
  7. field to specify individually, by using `broker-controller/eventing-controller` as the key.

Download images from different repositories without secrets

If your custom image links are not defined in a uniform format, you will need to individually include each link in the KnativeEventing CR.

For example, given the following list of images:

DeploymentContainerDocker Image

You must modify the KnativeEventing CR to include the full list. For example:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. registry:
  8. override:
  9. eventing-controller/eventing-controller:
  10. eventing-webhook/eventing-webhook:
  11. imc-controller/controller:
  12. imc-dispatcher/dispatcher:
  13. broker-controller/eventing-controller:

You can also run the following commands to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --imageKey eventing-controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName eventing-webhook --imageKey eventing-webhook --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName imc-controller --imageKey controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName imc-dispatcher --imageKey dispatcher --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName broker-controller --imageKey eventing-controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing

If you want to replace the image defined by the environment variable, you must modify the KnativeEventing CR. For example, if you want to replace the image defined by the environment variable DISPATCHER_IMAGE, in the container controller, of the deployment imc-controller, and the target image is, the KnativeEventing CR would be as follows:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. registry:
  8. override:
  9. eventing-controller/eventing-controller:
  10. eventing-webhook/eventing-webhook:
  11. imc-controller/controller:
  12. imc-dispatcher/dispatcher:
  13. broker-controller/eventing-controller:

You can also run the following commands to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --imageKey eventing-controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName eventing-webhook --imageKey eventing-webhook --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName imc-controller --imageKey controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName imc-dispatcher --imageKey dispatcher --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --deployName broker-controller --imageKey eventing-controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing
  1. kn operator configure images --component eventing --imageKey DISPATCHER_IMAGE -controller --imageURL -n knative-eventing

Download images with secrets

If your image repository requires private secrets for access, you must append the imagePullSecrets attribute to the KnativeEventing CR.

This example uses a secret named regcred. Refer to the Kubernetes documentation to create your own private secrets.

After you create the secret, edit the KnativeEventing CR:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. registry:
  8. ...
  9. imagePullSecrets:
  10. - name: regcred

The field imagePullSecrets requires a list of secrets. You can add multiple secrets to access the images:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. registry:
  8. ...
  9. imagePullSecrets:
  10. - name: regcred
  11. - name: regcred-2
  12. ...

Configuring the default broker class

Knative Eventing allows you to define a default broker class when the user does not specify one. The Operator provides two broker classes by default: ChannelBasedBroker and MTChannelBasedBroker.

The field defaultBrokerClass indicates which class to use; if empty, the ChannelBasedBroker is used.

The following example CR specifies MTChannelBasedBroker as the default:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. defaultBrokerClass: MTChannelBasedBroker

Override system deployments

If you would like to override some configurations for a specific deployment, you can override the configuration by using spec.deployments in the CR. Currently resources, replicas, labels, annotations and nodeSelector are supported.

Override the resources

The KnativeEventing custom resource is able to configure system resources for the Knative system containers based on the deployment. Requests and limits can be configured for all the available containers within the deployment, like eventing-controller, eventing-webhook, imc-controller, etc.

For example, the following KnativeEventing resource configures the container eventing-controller in the deployment eventing-controller to request 0.3 CPU and 100MB of RAM, and sets hard limits of 1 CPU and 250MB RAM:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. workloads:
  8. - name: eventing-controller
  9. resources:
  10. - container: eventing-controller
  11. requests:
  12. cpu: 300m
  13. memory: 100M
  14. limits:
  15. cpu: 1000m
  16. memory: 250M

You can also run the following command to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure resources --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --container eventing-controller --requestCPU 300m --requestMemory 100M --limitCPU 1000m --limitMemory 250M -n knative-eventing

Override the nodeSelector

The KnativeEventing resource is able to override the nodeSelector for the Knative Eventing deployment resources. For example, if you would like to add the following tolerations

  1. nodeSelector:
  2. disktype: hdd

to the deployment eventing-controller, you need to change your KnativeEventing CR as below:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. workloads:
  8. - name: eventing-controller
  9. nodeSelector:
  10. disktype: hdd

You can also run the following command to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure nodeSelector --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --key disktype --value hdd -n knative-eventing

Override the tolerations

The KnativeEventing resource is able to override tolerations for the Knative Eventing deployment resources. For example, if you would like to add the following tolerations

  1. tolerations:
  2. - key: "key1"
  3. operator: "Equal"
  4. value: "value1"
  5. effect: "NoSchedule"

to the deployment eventing-controller, you need to change your KnativeEventing CR as below:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. workloads:
  8. - name: eventing-controller
  9. tolerations:
  10. - key: "key1"
  11. operator: "Equal"
  12. value: "value1"
  13. effect: "NoSchedule"

You can also run the following command to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure tolerations --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --key key1 --operator Equal --value value1 --effect NoSchedule -n knative-eventing

Override the affinity

The KnativeEventing resource is able to override the affinity, including nodeAffinity, podAffinity, and podAntiAffinity, for the Knative Eventing deployment resources. For example, if you would like to add the following nodeAffinity

  1. affinity:
  2. nodeAffinity:
  3. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  4. - weight: 1
  5. preference:
  6. matchExpressions:
  7. - key: disktype
  8. operator: In
  9. values:
  10. - ssd

to the deployment eventing-controller, you need to change your KnativeEventing CR as below:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. workloads:
  8. - name: eventing-controller
  9. affinity:
  10. nodeAffinity:
  11. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
  12. - weight: 1
  13. preference:
  14. matchExpressions:
  15. - key: disktype
  16. operator: In
  17. values:
  18. - ssd

Override the environment variables

The KnativeEventing resource is able to override or add the environment variables for the containers in the Knative Eventing deployment resources. For example, if you would like to change the value of environment variable METRICS_DOMAIN in the container eventing-controller into “” for the deployment eventing-controller, you need to change your KnativeEventing CR as below:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. workloads:
  8. - name: eventing-controller
  9. env:
  10. - container: eventing-controller
  11. envVars:
  12. - name: METRICS_DOMAIN
  13. value: ""

You can also run the following command to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure envvars --component eventing --deployName eventing-controller --container eventing-controller --name METRICS_DOMAIN --value "" -n knative-eventing

Override system services

If you would like to override some configurations for a specific service, you can override the configuration by using in CR. Currently labels, annotations and selector are supported.

Override labels and annotations and selector

The following KnativeEventing resource overrides the eventing-webhook service to have the label mylabel: foo, the annotation myannotations: bar, the selector myselector: bar.

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. services:
  8. - name: eventing-webhook
  9. labels:
  10. mylabel: foo
  11. annotations:
  12. myannotations: bar
  13. selector:
  14. myselector: bar

You can also run the following commands to make the equivalent change:

  1. kn operator configure labels --component eventing --serviceName eventing-webhook --key mylabel --value foo -n knative-eventing
  2. kn operator configure annotations --component eventing --serviceName eventing-webhook --key myannotations --value bar -n knative-eventing
  3. kn operator configure selectors --component eventing --serviceName eventing-webhook --key myselector --value bar -n knative-eventing

Override system podDisruptionBudgets

A Pod Disruption Budget (PDB) allows you to limit the disruption to your application when its pods need to be rescheduled for maintenance reasons. Knative Operator allows you to configure the minAvailable for a specific podDisruptionBudget resource in Eventing based on the name. To understand more about the configuration of the resource podDisruptionBudget, click here. For example, if you would like to change minAvailable into 70% for the podDisruptionBudget named eventing-webhook, you need to change your KnativeEventing CR as below:

  1. apiVersion:
  2. kind: KnativeEventing
  3. metadata:
  4. name: knative-eventing
  5. namespace: knative-eventing
  6. spec:
  7. podDisruptionBudgets:
  8. - name: eventing-webhook
  9. minAvailable: 70%