How to Get Involved

The Knative community consists of three different audiences:

Diagram of Knative audiences: users, developers, operators, and contributors

  • Developers write serverless and event-driven applications using the constructs surfaced by Knative. They build containers and applications which leverage the concepts exposed by Knative to deliver services to end users and systems.

  • Operators build and maintain Kubernetes platforms where Knative is installed. They also manage the default settings for Knative on those clusters.

  • Contributors are the authors of the Knative components; they contribute and review source code, run the community meetings, document and publicize the project, and otherwise keep the project running.

Knative components are intended to operate well stand-alone, or integrated into a larger platform offering by either an internal systems team or a cloud provider. You can see a list of organizations that have adopted Knative in our community repo.


For the fastest response, you can ask questions on the #knative, #knative-serving, #knative-eventing, or #knative-functions channels of the CNCF Slack.

We also have a Stack Overflow topic, knative (as well as knative-serving, knative-eventing, and knative-functions), and the knative-users mailing list if you prefer those formats.

Bug Reports and Feature Requests

Knative is composed of many different components. We use GitHub Issues to track bug reports and feature requests. While it’s most helpful if you know the specific component that the bug is happening in, we understand that it can be difficult to tell sometimes. A clear bug report in the wrong component is much better than a partial report in the right component, so feel free to file your issue in one of these three main repositories if you’re not sure:

A good bug report should include:

  • What you were trying to do, and what happened
  • What version of Knative and Kubernetes you are using (if using a cloud provider, indicate which one)
  • Relevant resource yaml, HTTP requests, or log lines

Community Meetups

This virtual event is designed for end users, a space for our community to meet, get to know each other, and learn about uses and applications of Knative.

Catch up with past community meetups on our YouTube channel.

Stay tuned for new events by subscribing to the calendar (iCal export file) and following us on Twitter.

Communication Channels

Much of the community meets on the CNCF Slack, using the following channels:

We also have user ( and developer ( mailing lists for discussions, and for access to documents in the shared Google Drive. Access to knative-users@ is automatically approved; access to knative-dev@ is handled via a lightweight approval process — it helps if you provide a one-sentence description when requesting access.

We also use GitHub Issues and GitHub projects for tracking longer-term efforts, including each working group’s roadmap, and the backlog for oversight committees like the Technical Oversight Committee and the Steering Committee.

Feature design is generally done via Google Docs stored in a shared Google Drive. Due to limitations of shared drives, the default access control is that all documents are readable by knative-users@ and commentable and editable by knative-dev@. Documents generally cannot be deleted without special intervention.


Knative schedules all meetings on a shared Google calendar. Working group leads and TOC/Steering members should have permissions to add events, including one-off events for coordination if needed.

If you’re using Google Calendar, the above should work. If you’re using some other system (Apple Calendar or Outlook, for example), here is an iCal export of the community calendar.

Getting More Involved as a Contributor

If you’re interested in becoming a Knative contributor, you’ll want to check out our contributor page. Contributing is not an expectation — everyone who uses Knative, talks about it, lurks on a mailing list, or engages with the ideas is part of our community! If you do want to get more deeply involved, you’ll find that contributing to open source can be a great career booster.


Knative is part of the CNCF, and is governed by those rules, including the CNCF Code of Conduct. Beyond that, we have a page about our governance rules.

Code of Conduct

Knative follows the CNCF Code of Conduct. Reports of code of conduct violations may be sent to or