Community Rules and Practices

This page provides links to documents for common Knative community practices and a description of Knative’s audience.

While the project was started by Google, it has received contributions from over 200 companies and is now governed by the CNCF.

Community values

This section links to documents about our values.


This section links to documents about how the Knative community is governed.

Knative has public and recorded monthly community meetings. Each component has one or more working groups driving the effort, and Knative has a single technical oversight committee monitoring the overall project.


This section links to documents for common Knative community processes.

At the moment, these practices (except for the formation of Working Groups and Lazy Consensus) are recommendations that individual working groups can choose to adopt, rather than requirements. Each working group should document their processes; either in their own repo or in a pointer to these docs.

Community calendar

The Knative community calendar (iCal export file) contains events that provide the opportunity to learn more about Knative and meet other users and contributors. This includes Working Group, Steering Committee, and other community meetings.

Events don’t have to be organized by the Knative project to be added to the calendar. If you want to add an event to the calendar please send an email to or post to the #knative channel in the CNCF Slack workspace.

Knative’s audience

Knative is designed for different personas:

Diagram that displays different Audiences for Knative


Knative components offer developers Kubernetes-native APIs for deploying serverless-style functions, applications, and containers to an auto-scaling runtime.

To join the conversation, head over to the Knative users Google group.


Knative components are intended to be integrated into more polished products that cloud service providers or in-house teams in large enterprises can then operate.

Any enterprise or cloud provider can adopt Knative components into their own systems and pass the benefits along to their customers.


With a clear project scope, lightweight governance model, and clean lines of separation between pluggable components, the Knative project establishes an efficient contributor workflow.

Knative is a diverse, open, and inclusive community. Your own path to becoming a Knative contributor can begin in any of the following components:

Knative authors

Knative is an open source project with an active development community. The project was started by Google but has contributions from a growing number of industry-leading companies. For a current list of the authors, see Authors.