Knative Eventing code samples

Use the following code samples to help you understand the various use cases for Knative Eventing and Event Sources. Learn more about Knative Eventing and Eventing Sources.

See all Knative code samples in GitHub.

Hello WorldA quick introduction that highlights how to deploy an app using Knative.Go and Python
GitHub sourceShows how to wire GitHub events for consumption by a Knative Service.YAML
GitLab sourceShows how to wire GitLab events for consumption by a Knative Service.YAML
Apache Kafka ChannelInstall and configure the Apache Kafka Channel as the default Channel configuration for Knative Eventing.YAML
Writing an event source using JavaScriptThis tutorial provides instructions to build an event source in JavaScript and implement it with a ContainerSource or SinkBinding.JavaScript
Parallel with multiple casesCreate a Parallel with two branches.YAML
Parallel with mutually exclusive casesCreate a Parallel with mutually exclusive branches.YAML