Frequently Asked Questions

Why the name jug?

The cluster I was using when I first started developing jug was called “juggernaut”. That is too long and there is a Unix tradition of 3-character programme names, so I abbreviated it to jug.

How to work with multiple computers?

The typical setting is that all the computers have access to a networked filesystem like NFS. This means that they all “see” the same files. In this case, the default file-based backend will work nicely.

You need to start separate jug execute processes on each node.

See also the answer to the next question if you are using a batch system or the bash utilities page if you are not.

Will jug work on batch cluster systems (like SGE/LFS/PBS)?

Yes, it was built for it.

The simplest way to do it is to use a job array.

On LFS, it would be run like this:

  1. bsub -o output.txt -J "jug[1-100]" jug execute

For SGE, you often need to write a script. For example:

  1. cat >> <<EOF
  2. #!/bin/bash
  3. exec jug execute
  4. EOF
  5. chmod +x

Now, you can run a job array:

  1. qsub -t 1-100 ./

Alternatively, depending on your set up, you can pass in the script on STDIN:

  1. echo jug execute | qsub -t 1-100

In any case, 100 jobs would start running with jug synchronizing their outputs.

Given that jobs can join the computation at any time and all of the communication is through the backend (file system by default), jug is especially suited for these environments.

The project gridjug integrates jug with gridmap to help run jug on SGE clusters (this is an external project).

How do I clean up locks if jug processes are killed?

Jug will attempt to clean up when exiting, including if it receives a SIGTERM signal on Unix. However, there is nothing it can do if it receives a SIGKILL (or if the computer crashes).

The solution is to run jug cleanup to remove all the locks.

In some cases, you can avoid the problem in the first place by making sure that SIGTERM is being properly delivered to the jug process.

For example, if you executing a script that only runs jug (like in the previous question), then use exec to replace the script by the jug process.

Alternatively, in bash you can set a trap to catch and propagate the SIGTERM:

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. N_JOBS=10
  3. pids=""
  4. for i in $(seq $N_JOBS); do
  5. jug execute &
  6. pids="$! $pids"
  7. done
  8. trap "kill -TERM $pids; exit 1" TERM
  9. wait

It doesn’t work with random input!

Normally the problem boils down to the following:

  1. from jug import Task
  2. from random import random
  3. def f(x):
  4. return x*2
  5. result = Task(f, random())

Now, if you check jug status, you will see that you have one task, an f task. If you run jug execute, jug will execute your one task. But, now, if you check jug status again, there is still one task that needs to be run!

While this may be surprising, it is actually correct. Everytime you run the script, you build a task that consists of calling f with a different number (because it’s a randomly generated number). Given that tasks are defined as the combination of a Python function and its arguments, every time you run jug, you build a different task (unless you, by chance, draw twice the same number).

My solution is typically to set the random seed at the start of the computation explicitly:

  1. from jug import Task
  2. from random import random, seed
  3. def f(x):
  4. return x*2
  5. seed(123) # <- set the random seed
  6. result = Task(f, random())

Now, everything will work as expected.

(As an aside: given that jug was developed in a context where it is important to be able to reproduce your results, it is generally a good idea that if your computation depends on pseudo-random numbers, you be explicit about the seeds. So, this is a feature not a bug.)

Why does jug not check for code changes?

1) It is very hard to get this right. You can easily check Python code (with dependencies), but checking into compiled C is harder. If the system runs any command line programmes you need to check for them (including libraries) as well as any configuration/datafiles they touch.

You can do this by monitoring the programmes, but it is no longer portable (I could probably figure out how to do it on Linux, but not other operating systems) and it is a lot of work.

It would also slow things down. Even if it checked only the Python code: it would need to check the function code & all dependencies + global variables at the time of task generation.

I believe sumatra accomplishes this. Consider using it if you desire all this functionality.

2) I was also afraid that this would make people wary of refactoring their code. If improving your code even in ways which would not change the results (refactoring) makes jug recompute 2 hours of results, then you don’t do it.

3) Jug supports explicit invalidation with jug invalidate. This checks your dependencies. It is not automatic, but often you need a person to understand the code changes in any case.

Can jug handle non-pickle() objects?

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Yes, with a little bit of special code. If you have another way to get them from one machine to another, you could write a special backend for that. Right now, only numpy arrays are treated as a special case (they are not pickled, but rather saved in their native format), but you could extend this. Ask on the mailing list if you want to learn more.

Is jug based on a background server?

No. Jug processes do not need a server running. They need a shared backend. This may be the filesystem or a redis database. But jug does not need any sort of jug server.

Can I pass command line arguments to a Jugfile?

Yes. They will be available using sys.argv as usual.

If you need to pass arguments starting with a dash, you can use -- (double dash) to terminate option processing. For example, if your jugfile contains:

  1. import sys
  2. print(sys.argv)

Now you can call it as:

  1. # Argv[0] is the name of the script
  2. $ jug execute
  3. ['']
  4. $ jug execute
  5. ['']
  6. # Using a jug option does not change ``sys.argv``
  7. $ jug execute --verbose=info
  8. ['']
  9. $ jug execute --verbose=info argument
  10. ['', 'argument']
  11. # Use -- to terminate argument processing
  12. $ jug execute --verbose=info argument -- --arg --arg2=yes
  13. ['', 'argument', '--arg', '--arg2=yes']