
There are certain types of computation that show up again and again in parallel computation. This section shows how to perform them with jug.


Currently, the dominant paradigm for large scale distributed computing is the map/reduce paradigm. Originally made prominent by Google’s proprietary implementation, it is now available in many implementations, including open-source ones such as Hadoop.

Jug is not a direct competitor to Hadoop as it focuses on medium sized problems. Jug does not implement a distributed file system of any sort, but assumes that all compute nodes have access to a central repository of information (such as a shared filesystem or a redis server).

On the other hand, jug supports much more complex computations than map-reduce. If, however, your problem is naturally described as a map/reduce computation, then jug has some helper functions.


The jug.mapreduce.mapreduce function implements mapreduce:

  1. jug.mapreduce(reducer, mapper, inputs)

is roughly equivalent to:

  1. Task{ reduce(reducer, map(mapper, inputs)) }

If the syntax of Python supported such a thing.

An issue that might come up is that your map function can be too fast. A good task should take at least a few seconds (otherwise, the overhead of scheduling and loading the data overwhelms the performance advantages of parallelism. Analogously for the reduce function.

Therefore, jug groups your inputs so that a mapping task actually consists of mapping and reducing more than one input. How many is controlled by the map_step parameter. By default, it is set to 4. Similarly, the reduce_step parameter controls how many reduction steps to perform in a single task (by default, 8; reflecting the fact that reduce operations tend to be lighter than map operations).

The compound task section has a worked out example of using map/reduce.

Parameter Sweep

This is a standard problem in many fields, for example, in machine learning. You have an algorithm that takes a few parameters (let’s call them p0 and p1) and a function which takes your input data (data) and the parameters and outputs the score of this parameter combination.

In pure Python, we’d write something like:

  1. best = None
  2. best_val = float("-Inf")
  3. for p0 in range(100):
  4. for p1 in range(-20, 20):
  5. cur = score(data, p0, p1)
  6. if cur > best_val:
  7. best = p0,p1
  8. best_val = cur
  9. print('Best parameter pair', best)

This is, obviously, an embarassingly parallel problem and we want jug to handle it.

First note: we can, of course, perform this with a map/reduce:

  1. def mapper(data, p0, p1):
  2. return (p0, p1, score(data, p0, p1))
  3. def reducer(a, b):
  4. _, _, av = a
  5. _, _, bv = b
  6. if av > bv: return a
  7. return b
  8. best = jug.mapreduce.mapreduce(
  9. reducer,
  10. mapper,
  11. [(p0, p1)
  12. for p0 in range(101)
  13. for p1 in range(-20, 21)])

However, if you want to look at the whole parameter space instead of just the best score, this will not work. Instead, you can do:

  1. from jug import TaskGenerator
  2. score = TaskGenerator(score)
  3. results = {}
  4. for p0 in range(100):
  5. for p1 in range(-20, 20):
  6. result[p0,p1] = value(data, p0, p1)

Now, after you’ve run ``jug execute``, you can use jug shell and load the result dictionary to look at all the results.

  1. result = value(result)
  2. print(result[0, -2])
  3. # Look for the maximum score
  4. print(max(result.values()))
  5. # Look at maximum score *and* the parameters that generated it:
  6. print(max((v, k) for k, v in result.iteritems()))