
cors 插件可以为服务端启用 CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing,跨域资源共享)的返回 http 响应头。


插件执行阶段:授权阶段 插件执行优先级:340


allow_originsarray of string选填允许跨域访问的 Origin,格式为 scheme://host:port ,示例如 http://example.com:8081。当 allow_credentials 为 false 时,可以使用 来表示允许所有 Origin 通过
allow_origin_patternsarray of string选填-允许跨域访问的 Origin 模式匹配, 用 匹配域名或者端口,
比如 http://.example.com — 匹配域名, http://.example.com:[8080,9090] — 匹配域名和指定端口, http://.example.com:[] — 匹配域名和所有端口。单独
allow_methodsarray of string选填GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS允许跨域访问的 Method,比如:GET,POST 等。可以使用 来表示允许所有 Method。
allow_headersarray of string选填DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,
允许跨域访问时请求方携带哪些非 CORS 规范以外的 Header。可以使用 来表示允许任意 Header。
expose_headersarray of string选填-允许跨域访问时响应方携带哪些非 CORS 规范以外的 Header。可以使用 来表示允许任意 Header。
allow_credentialsbool选填false是否允许跨域访问的请求方携带凭据(如 Cookie 等)。根据 CORS 规范,如果设置该选项为 true,在 allow_origins 不能使用 , 替换成使用 allow_origin_patterns *
max_agenumber选填86400秒浏览器缓存 CORS 结果的最大时间,单位为秒。


  • allow_credentials 是一个很敏感的选项,请谨慎开启。开启之后,allow_credentials 和 allow_origins 为 * 不能同时使用,同时设置时, allow_origins 值为 ”*” 生效。
  • allow_origins 和 allow_origin_patterns 可以同时设置, 先检查 allow_origins 是否匹配,然后再检查 allow_origin_patterns 是否匹配
  • 非法 CORS 请求, HTTP 状态码返回是 403, 返回体内容为 “Invalid CORS request”


允许所有跨域访问, 不允许请求方携带凭据

  1. allow_origins:
  2. -
  3. allow_methods:
  4. -
  5. allow_headers:
  6. -
  7. expose_headers:
  8. -
  9. allow_credentials: false
  10. max_age: 7200


  1. allow_origin_patterns:
  2. -
  3. allow_methods:
  4. -
  5. allow_headers:
  6. -
  7. expose_headers:
  8. -
  9. allow_credentials: true
  10. max_age: 7200


  1. allow_origin_patterns:
  2. allow_methods:
  3. - GET
  4. - PUT
  5. - POST
  6. - DELETE
  7. allow_headers:
  8. - Token
  9. - Content-Type
  10. - Authorization
  11. expose_headers:
  12. - ‘*’
  13. allow_credentials: true
  14. max_age: 7200



  1. apiVersion: networking.higress.io/v1
  2. kind: McpBridge
  3. metadata:
  4. name: mcp-cors-httpbin
  5. namespace: higress-system
  6. spec:
  7. registries:
  8. - domain: httpbin.org
  9. name: httpbin
  10. port: 80
  11. type: dns
  12. —-
  13. apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
  14. kind: Ingress
  15. metadata:
  16. annotations:
  17. higress.io/destination: httpbin.dns
  18. higress.io/upstream-vhost: httpbin.org
  19. higress.io/backend-protocol: HTTP
  20. name: ingress-cors-httpbin
  21. namespace: higress-system
  22. spec:
  23. ingressClassName: higress
  24. rules:
  25. - host: httpbin.example.com
  26. http:
  27. paths:
  28. - backend:
  29. resource:
  30. apiGroup: networking.higress.io
  31. kind: McpBridge
  32. name: mcp-cors-httpbin
  33. path: /
  34. pathType: Prefix
  35. —-
  36. apiVersion: extensions.higress.io/v1alpha1
  37. kind: WasmPlugin
  38. metadata:
  39. name: wasm-cors-httpbin
  40. namespace: higress-system
  41. spec:
  42. defaultConfigDisable: true
  43. matchRules:
  44. - config:
  45. allow_origins:
  46. allow_origin_patterns:
  47. allow_methods:
  48. - GET
  49. - POST
  50. - PATCH
  51. allow_headers:
  52. - Content-Type
  53. - Token
  54. - Authorization
  55. expose_headers:
  56. - X-Custom-Header
  57. - X-Env-UTM
  58. allow_credentials: true
  59. max_age: 3600
  60. configDisable: false
  61. ingress:
  62. - ingress-cors-httpbin
  63. url: oci://higress-registry.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/plugins/cors:1.0.0
  64. imagePullPolicy: Always



  1. curl -v -H Origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090“ -H “Host: httpbin.example.com”\?foo\=1
  2. < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. > x-cors-version: 1.0.0
  4. > access-control-allow-origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090
  5. > access-control-expose-headers: X-Custom-Header,X-Env-UTM
  6. > access-control-allow-credentials: true


  1. curl -v -X OPTIONS -H Origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090“ -H “Host: httpbin.example.com” -H “Access-Control-Request-Method: POST” -H “Access-Control-Request-Headers: Content-Type, Token”\?foo\=1
  2. < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  3. < x-cors-version: 1.0.0
  4. < access-control-allow-origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090
  5. < access-control-allow-methods: GET,POST,PATCH
  6. < access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type,Token,Authorization
  7. < access-control-expose-headers: X-Custom-Header,X-Env-UTM
  8. < access-control-allow-credentials: true
  9. < access-control-max-age: 3600
  10. < date: Tue, 23 May 2023 11:41:28 GMT
  11. < server: istio-envoy
  12. < content-length: 0
  13. <
  14. Connection #0 to host left intact
  15. Closing connection 0

非法 CORS Origin 预检请求

  1. curl -v -X OPTIONS -H Origin: http://httpbin2.example.org“ -H “Host: httpbin.example.com” -H “Access-Control-Request-Method: GET”\?foo\=1
  2. HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
  3. < content-length: 70
  4. < content-type: text/plain
  5. < x-cors-version: 1.0.0
  6. < date: Tue, 23 May 2023 11:27:01 GMT
  7. < server: istio-envoy
  8. <
  9. * Connection #0 to host left intact
  10. Invalid CORS request

非法 CORS Method 预检请求

  1. curl -v -X OPTIONS -H Origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090“ -H “Host: httpbin.example.com” -H “Access-Control-Request-Method: DELETE”\?foo\=1
  2. < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
  3. < content-length: 49
  4. < content-type: text/plain
  5. < x-cors-version: 1.0.0
  6. < date: Tue, 23 May 2023 11:28:51 GMT
  7. < server: istio-envoy
  8. <
  9. * Connection #0 to host left intact
  10. Invalid CORS request

非法 CORS Header 预检请求

  1. curl -v -X OPTIONS -H Origin: http://httpbin2.example.org:9090“ -H “Host: httpbin.example.com” -H “Access-Control-Request-Method: GET” -H “Access-Control-Request-Headers: TokenView”\?foo\=1
  2. < HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
  3. < content-length: 52
  4. < content-type: text/plain
  5. < x-cors-version: 1.0.0
  6. < date: Tue, 23 May 2023 11:31:03 GMT
  7. < server: istio-envoy
  8. <
  9. * Connection #0 to host left intact
  10. Invalid CORS request
