
Inherits: VisualShaderNode < Resource < RefCounted < Object

Contains functions to modify texture coordinates (uv) to be used within the visual shader graph.


UV functions are similar to Vector2 functions, but the input port of this node uses the shader’s UV value by default.






enum Function:

Function FUNC_PANNING = 0

Translates uv by using scale and offset values using the following formula: uv = uv + offset * scale. uv port is connected to UV built-in by default.

Function FUNC_SCALING = 1

Scales uv by using scale and pivot values using the following formula: uv = (uv - pivot) * scale + pivot. uv port is connected to UV built-in by default.

Function FUNC_MAX = 2

Represents the size of the Function enum.

Property Descriptions

Function function = 0

A function to be applied to the texture coordinates. See Function for options.

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