集合处理利器 - CollectionsUtil

在我们日常开发工作中, 大部分时间其实都是在和 JAVA集合框架打交道,对集合框架使用溜的话,会非常快捷,下面特别封装十分常用的方法




addAllIgnoreNull(Collection<O>, Iterable<? extends O>)添加所有的Iterable元素到指定的objectCollection,如果 iterable是null将忽略.
addIgnoreNullOrEmpty(Collection<T>, T)添加 element元素到指定的objectCollection,如果 element 是null或者 empty将忽略.

1.1 addAllIgnoreNull(Collection<O>, Iterable<? extends O>)


  1. private Set<String> getItemComboIds(List<ShoppingCartLineCommand> lines){
  2. Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
  3. if (null != lines && lines.size() > 0){
  4. for (ShoppingCartLineCommand line : lines){
  5. if (line.getComboIds() != null){
  6. set.addAll(line.getComboIds());
  7. }
  8. }
  9. }
  10. return set;
  11. }


  1. private Set<String> getItemComboIds(List<ShoppingCartLineCommand> lines){
  2. if (isNullOrEmpty(lines)){
  3. return Collections.emptySet();
  4. }
  5. Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
  6. for (ShoppingCartLineCommand line : lines){
  7. CollectionsUtil.addAllIgnoreNull(set, line.getComboIds());
  8. }
  9. return set;
  10. }


1.2 addIgnoreNullOrEmpty(Collection<T>, T)


  1. List<Object[]> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
  2. for (T bean : iterable){
  3. Object[] objectArray = toObjectArray(bean, propertyNameList);
  4. if (isNotNullOrEmpty(objectArray)){
  5. dataList.add(objectArray);
  6. }
  7. }
  8. return dataList;


  1. List<Object[]> dataList = new ArrayList<>();
  2. for (T bean : iterable){
  3. addIgnoreNullOrEmpty(dataList, toObjectArray(bean, propertyNameList));
  4. }
  5. return dataList;



find(Iterable<O>, String, V)找到 iterable中,第一个 propertyName属性名称值是 propertyValue 的对应元素.
find(Iterable<O>, Predicate<O>)迭代查找匹配predicate 的第一个元素并返回.

2.1 find(Iterable<O>, String, V)


  1. public Boolean hasDistributionMode(CalcFreightCommand calcFreightCommand,Long shopId){
  2. // 通过收货地址获取支持的物流方式
  3. List<DistributionMode> distributionModeList = findDistributeMode(
  4. shopId,
  5. calcFreightCommand.getProvienceId(),
  6. calcFreightCommand.getCityId(),
  7. calcFreightCommand.getCountyId(),
  8. calcFreightCommand.getTownId());
  9. Boolean flag = false;
  10. if (Validator.isNotNullOrEmpty(distributionModeList)){
  11. if (null != calcFreightCommand.getDistributionModeId()){
  12. for (DistributionMode distributionMode : distributionModeList){
  13. if (distributionMode.getId().equals(calcFreightCommand.getDistributionModeId())){
  14. flag = true;
  15. }
  16. }
  17. }else{
  18. flag = true;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. return flag;
  22. }


  1. public Boolean hasDistributionMode(CalcFreightCommand calcFreightCommand,Long shopId){
  2. // 通过收货地址获取支持的物流方式
  3. List<DistributionMode> distributionModeList = findDistributeMode(shopId, calcFreightCommand.getProvienceId(), calcFreightCommand.getCityId(), calcFreightCommand.getCountyId(), calcFreightCommand.getTownId());
  4. if (isNullOrEmpty(distributionModeList)){
  5. return false;
  6. }
  7. if (isNullOrEmpty(calcFreightCommand.getDistributionModeId())){
  8. return true;
  9. }
  10. DistributionMode distributionMode = CollectionsUtil.find(distributionModeList, "id", calcFreightCommand.getDistributionModeId());
  11. return null != distributionMode;
  12. }


2.2 find(Iterable<O>, Predicate<O>)

场景: 从list中查找name是 关羽,并且 age等于30的User对象

  1. List<User> list = toList(//
  2. new User("张飞", 23),
  3. new User("关羽", 24),
  4. new User("刘备", 25),
  5. new User("关羽", 30));
  6. Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
  7. map.put("name", "关羽");
  8. map.put("age", 30);
  9. Predicate<User> predicate = BeanPredicateUtil.equalPredicate(map);
  10. User user = CollectionsUtil.find(list, predicate);
  11. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(user));


  1. {
  2. "age": 30,
  3. "name": "关羽"
  4. }

3. 定位

indexOf(List<O>, String, V)在list中,查找第一个属性 propertyName 值是指定值 propertyValue 对象的索引位置.


  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. CollectionsUtil.indexOf(list, "name", "张飞") = 0
  6. CollectionsUtil.indexOf(null, "age", 24) = -1
  7. CollectionsUtil.indexOf(new ArrayList<User>(), "age", 24) = -1


  • 常用于浏览历史记录,当前的商品id是否在历史记录中第一条位置,如果是,可能就不会操作Cookie,诸如此类的操作

4. 查询

select(Collection<O>, String, V…)循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean的 propertyName的值,判断是否在propertyValues 数组中;如果在,将该对象存入list中返回.
select(Collection<O>, String, Collection<V>)循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的propertyName的值,判断是否在propertyValueList 集合中;如果在,将该对象存入list中返回.
select(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>)按照指定的 Predicate,返回查询出来的集合.

4.1 select(Collection<O>, String, V…)

循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean的 propertyName的值,判断是否在propertyValues 数组中;如果在,将该对象存入list中返回.


  • 查询的结果的顺序按照原来 objectCollection里面的顺序,和参数 propertyValues 无关,如果你需要结果里面的元素按照指定的propertyValues 顺序排序的话,可以将结果再调用SortUtil.sortListByFixedOrderPropertyValueArray(List, String, Object)示例:
  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. String[] array = { "刘备", "关羽" };
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.select(list, "name", array)));


  1. [{
  2. "age": 24,
  3. "name": "关羽"
  4. },{
  5. "age": 25,
  6. "name": "刘备"
  7. }]

4.2 select(Collection<O>, String, Collection<V>)

循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的propertyName的值,判断是否在propertyValueList 集合中;如果在,将该对象存入list中返回.


  • 查询的结果的顺序按照原来 objectCollection里面的顺序,和参数 propertyValueList 无关,如果你需要结果里面的元素按照指定的 propertyValueList顺序排序的话,可以将结果再调用SortUtil.sortListByFixedOrderPropertyValueList(List, String, List)
  • 和该方法正好相反的是 selectRejected(Collection, String, Collection)示例:场景: 查询 name属性是"张飞"或者是"刘备"的 User list
  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. List<String> propertyValueList = new ArrayList<>();
  6. propertyValueList.add("张飞");
  7. propertyValueList.add("刘备");
  8. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.select(list, "name", propertyValueList)));


  1. [{
  2. "age": 23,
  3. "name": "张飞"
  4. },{
  5. "age": 25,
  6. "name": "刘备"
  7. }]



  1. // 当前店铺 的物流方式Id set
  2. Set<Long> distributionModeIdSet = new HashSet<>();
  3. for (TemeplateDistributionMode tdCmd : temeplateDistributionModeList){
  4. distributionModeIdSet.add(tdCmd.getDistributionModeId());
  5. }
  6. // 拿到所有的物流方式 列表
  7. List<DistributionCommand> distributionCommandList = freigthMemoryManager.getDistributionList();
  8. // 根据 物流方式ID 找出 支持本商铺的 DistributionCommand
  9. List<DistributionCommand> curShopDistributionCommandList = new ArrayList<>();
  10. for (Long modeId : distributionModeIdSet){
  11. for (DistributionCommand distributionCmd : distributionCommandList){
  12. if (modeId.equals(distributionCmd.getDistributionModeId())){
  13. curShopDistributionCommandList.add(distributionCmd);
  14. }
  15. }
  16. }


  1. // 当前店铺 的物流方式Id set
  2. Set<Long> distributionModeIdSet = CollectionsUtil.getPropertyValueSet(temeplateDistributionModeList, "distributionModeId");
  3. // 拿到所有的物流方式 列表
  4. List<DistributionCommand> distributionCommandList = freigthMemoryManager.getDistributionList();
  5. // 根据 物流方式ID 找出 支持本商铺的 DistributionCommand
  6. List<DistributionCommand> curShopDistributionCommandList = CollectionsUtil.select(distributionCommandList, "distributionModeId", distributionModeIdSet);

4.3 select(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>)

按照指定的 Predicate,返回查询出来的集合.


  • 和该方法正好相反的是 selectRejected(Collection, Predicate)示例1:场景: 查找等于 1的元素
  1. List<Long> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(1L);
  3. list.add(1L);
  4. list.add(2L);
  5. list.add(3L);
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.select(list, new EqualPredicate<Long>(1L))));


  1. [1,1]

示例2:场景: 查找大于 10的元素

  1. Comparator<Integer> comparator = ComparatorUtils.naturalComparator();
  2. Predicate<Integer> predicate = new ComparatorPredicate<Integer>(10, comparator, Criterion.LESS);
  3. List<Integer> select = CollectionsUtil.select(toList(1, 5, 10, 30, 55, 88, 1, 12, 3), predicate);
  4. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(select, 0, 0));


  1. [30,55,88,12]

5. 反查

selectRejected(Collection<O>, String, V…)循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的 propertyName 属性值都不在 propertyValues 时候的list.
selectRejected(Collection<O>, String, Collection<V>)循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的 propertyName的值,判断是否不在propertyValueList 集合中;如果不在,将该对象存入list中返回.
selectRejected(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>)循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean,判断是否不匹配predicate,如果不匹配 ,将该对象存入list中返回.

5.1 selectRejected(Collection<O>, String, V…)

循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的 propertyName 属性值都不在 propertyValues 时候的list.

示例:场景: 查询name 不是刘备 也不是张飞的 User list元素

  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. List<User> selectRejected = CollectionsUtil.selectRejected(list, "name", "刘备", "张飞");
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(selectRejected));


  1. [{
  2. "age": 24,
  3. "name": "关羽"
  4. }]

5.2 selectRejected(Collection<O>, String, Collection<V>)

循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean 的 propertyName的值,判断是否不在propertyValueList 集合中;如果不在,将该对象存入list中返回.

示例:场景: 查询 name属性是不是"张飞",也不是"刘备"的 User list

  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. List<String> propertyValueList = new ArrayList<>();
  6. propertyValueList.add("张飞");
  7. propertyValueList.add("刘备");
  8. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.selectRejected(list, "name", propertyValueList)));


  1. [{
  2. "age": 24,
  3. "name": "关羽"
  4. }]

5.3 selectRejected(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>)

循环 objectCollection,获得元素 bean,判断是否不匹配predicate,如果不匹配 ,将该对象存入list中返回.


  • 和该方法正好相反的是 select(Collection, Predicate)示例:场景: 从list中查找不等于1的元素
  1. List<Long> list = toList(1L, 1L, 2L, 3L);
  2. CollectionsUtil.selectRejected(list, new EqualPredicate<Long>(1L));


  1. 2L, 3L

6. 提取

getPropertyValueList(Collection<O>, String)循环集合 objectCollection,取到对象指定的属性 propertyName的值,拼成List(ArrayList).
getPropertyValueSet(Collection<O>, String)解析迭代集合 objectCollection ,取到对象指定的属性 propertyName的值,拼成Set(LinkedHashSet).
getPropertyValueMap(Collection<O>, String, String)循环 objectCollection ,以 keyPropertyName属性值为key, valuePropertyName属性值为value,组成map返回.

6.1 getPropertyValueList(Collection<O>, String)

循环集合 objectCollection,取到对象指定的属性 propertyName的值,拼成List(ArrayList).


场景: 获取user list每个元素的id属性值,组成新的list返回

  1. List<User> list = toList(//
  2. new User(2L),
  3. new User(5L),
  4. new User(5L));
  5. List<Long> resultList = CollectionsUtil.getPropertyValueList(list, "id");
  6. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(resultList));


  1. [2,5,5]

6.2 getPropertyValueSet(Collection<O>, String)

解析迭代集合 objectCollection ,取到对象指定的属性 propertyName的值,拼成Set(LinkedHashSet).


返回的是 LinkedHashSet,顺序是参数 objectCollection 元素的顺序


  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User(2L));
  3. list.add(new User(5L));
  4. list.add(new User(5L));
  5. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.getPropertyValueSet(list, "id")));


  1. [2,5]

6.3 getPropertyValueMap(Collection<O>, String, String)

循环 objectCollection ,以 keyPropertyName属性值为key, valuePropertyName属性值为value,组成map返回.


  • 返回的是 LinkedHashMap,顺序是参数 objectCollection 元素的顺序
  • 如果有元素 keyPropertyName属性值相同,那么后面的值会覆盖前面的值示例:
  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  5. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.getPropertyValueMap(list, "name", "age")));


  1. {
  2. "张飞": 23,
  3. "关羽": 24,
  4. "刘备": 25
  5. }

如果有元素 keyPropertyName属性值相同,那么后面的值会覆盖前面的值

  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("关羽", 24));
  4. list.add(new User("张飞", 25));
  5. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.getPropertyValueMap(list, "name", "age")));


  1. {
  2. "张飞": 25,
  3. "关羽": 24,
  4. }

7. 分组

group(Collection<O>, String)循环 objectCollection,以 元素的 propertyName属性值为key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.
group(Collection<O>, String, Predicate<O>)循环 objectCollection,找到符合条件的 includePredicate的元素,以元素的 propertyName 属性值为key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.
group(Collection<O>, Transformer<O, T>)循环 objectCollection,将元素使用keyTransformer转成key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.
group(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>, Transformer<O, T>)循环 objectCollection,找到符合条件的 includePredicate的元素,将元素使用keyTransformer转成key ,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.
groupOne(Collection<O>, String)循环 objectCollection,以元素的 propertyName属性值为key,元素为value,封装成map返回(map只put第一个匹配的元素,后面出现相同的元素将会忽略).

7.1 group(Collection<O>, String)

循环 objectCollection,以 元素的 propertyName属性值为key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.


  • 返回的LinkedHashMap,key是 objectCollection中的元素对象中 propertyName的值,value是objectCollection 中的元素对象;
  • 顺序是 objectCollection propertyName的值顺序,如果需要排序,可自行调用 SortUtil.sortMapByKeyAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByKeyDesc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueDesc(Map)或者, SortUtil.sortMap(Map, java.util.Comparator)
  • 属性propertyName值相同的元素,组成集合 list
  • 如果value只需要单值的话,可以调用 groupOne(Collection, String)方法示例:
  1. List<User> list = toList(
  2. new User("张飞", 23),
  3. new User("刘备", 25),
  4. new User("刘备", 30));
  5. Map<String, List<User>> map = CollectionsUtil.group(list, "name");
  6. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(map));


  1. {
  2. "张飞": [ {
  3. "age": 23,
  4. "name": "张飞",
  5. }],
  6. "刘备": [
  7. {
  8. "age": 25,
  9. "name": "刘备",
  10. },
  11. {
  12. "age": 30,
  13. "name": "刘备",
  14. }
  15. ]
  16. }

7.2 group(Collection<O>, String, Predicate<O>)

循环 objectCollection,找到符合条件的 includePredicate的元素,以元素的 propertyName 属性值为key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.


  • 返回的LinkedHashMap,key是 objectCollection中的元素对象中 propertyName的值,value是objectCollection 中的元素对象;
  • 顺序是 objectCollection propertyName的值顺序,如果需要排序,可自行调用 SortUtil.sortMapByKeyAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByKeyDesc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueDesc(Map)或者, SortUtil.sortMap(Map, java.util.Comparator)示例:

场景: 将age > 20的User,按照name 进行 group

  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 10));
  3. list.add(new User("张飞", 28));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 32));
  5. list.add(new User("刘备", 30));
  6. list.add(new User("刘备", 10));
  7. Map<String, List<User>> map = CollectionsUtil.group(list, "name", new Predicate<User>(){
  8. @Override
  9. public boolean evaluate(User user){
  10. return user.getAge() > 20;
  11. }
  12. });
  13. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(map));


  1. {
  2. "张飞": [{
  3. "age": 28,
  4. "name": "张飞"
  5. }],
  6. "刘备": [{
  7. "age": 32,
  8. "name": "刘备"
  9. },{
  10. "age": 30,
  11. "name": "刘备"
  12. }
  13. ]
  14. }


  1. Predicate<User> comparatorPredicate = BeanPredicateUtil.comparatorPredicate("age", 20, Criterion.LESS);
  2. Map<String, List<User>> map = CollectionsUtil.group(list, "name", comparatorPredicate);

7.3 group(Collection<O>, Transformer<O, T>)

循环 objectCollection,将元素使用keyTransformer转成key,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.


  • 返回的LinkedHashMap,key是 objectCollection中的元素 使用keyTransformer转换的值,value是 objectCollection中的元素对象(相同key值,组成list);
  • 返回的LinkedHashMap顺序,是 objectCollection 元素顺序,如果需要排序,可自行调用 SortUtil.sortMapByKeyAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByKeyDesc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueDesc(Map)或者, SortUtil.sortMap(Map, java.util.Comparator)示例:场景: 从user list中,提取user的姓名的姓为key,user组成list,返回map
  1. User mateng55 = new User("马腾", 55);
  2. User machao28 = new User("马超", 28);
  3. User madai27 = new User("马岱", 27);
  4. User maxiu25 = new User("马休", 25);
  5. User zhangfei28 = new User("张飞", 28);
  6. User liubei32 = new User("刘备", 32);
  7. User guanyu50 = new User("关羽", 50);
  8. User guanping32 = new User("关平", 32);
  9. User guansuo31 = new User("关索", 31);
  10. User guanxing20 = new User("关兴", 18);
  11. //************************************************************************
  12. List<User> list = toList(mateng55, machao28, madai27, maxiu25, zhangfei28, liubei32, guanyu50, guanping32, guansuo31, guanxing20);
  13. //************************************************************************
  14. Map<String, List<User>> map = CollectionsUtil.group(list,new Transformer<User, String>(){
  15. @Override
  16. public String transform(User user){
  17. //提取名字 的姓
  18. return user.getName().substring(0, 1);
  19. }
  20. });
  21. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(map));


  1. {
  2. "马":[{
  3. "age": 55,
  4. "name": "马腾",
  5. },{
  6. "age": 28,
  7. "name": "马超",
  8. },{
  9. "age": 27,
  10. "name": "马岱",
  11. },{
  12. "age": 25,
  13. "name": "马休",
  14. }
  15. ],
  16. "张": [{
  17. "age": 28,
  18. "name": "张飞",
  19. }],
  20. "刘": [{
  21. "age": 32,
  22. "name": "刘备",
  23. }],
  24. "关": [{
  25. "age": 50,
  26. "name": "关羽",
  27. },{
  28. "age": 32,
  29. "name": "关平",
  30. },{
  31. "age": 31,
  32. "name": "关索",
  33. },{
  34. "age": 18,
  35. "name": "关兴",
  36. }
  37. ]
  38. }

7.4 group(Collection<O>, Predicate<O>, Transformer<O, T>)

循环 objectCollection,找到符合条件的 includePredicate的元素,将元素使用keyTransformer转成key ,相同值的元素组成list作为value,封装成map返回.


  • 返回的LinkedHashMap,key是 objectCollection中的元素 使用keyTransformer转换的值,value是 objectCollection中的元素对象(相同key值,组成list);
  • 返回的LinkedHashMap顺序,是 objectCollection 元素顺序,如果需要排序,可自行调用 SortUtil.sortMapByKeyAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByKeyDesc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueDesc(Map)或者, SortUtil.sortMap(Map, java.util.Comparator)示例:场景: 从user list中,提取 年龄 大于20的user,user的姓名的姓为key,user组成list,返回map
  1. User mateng55 = new User("马腾", 55);
  2. User machao28 = new User("马超", 28);
  3. User madai27 = new User("马岱", 27);
  4. User maxiu25 = new User("马休", 25);
  5. User zhangfei28 = new User("张飞", 28);
  6. User liubei32 = new User("刘备", 32);
  7. User guanyu50 = new User("关羽", 50);
  8. User guanping32 = new User("关平", 32);
  9. User guansuo31 = new User("关索", 31);
  10. User guanxing20 = new User("关兴", 18);
  11. //************************************************************************
  12. List<User> list = toList(mateng55, machao28, madai27, maxiu25, zhangfei28, liubei32, guanyu50, guanping32, guansuo31, guanxing20);
  13. //************************************************************************
  14. Predicate<User> comparatorPredicate = BeanPredicateUtil.comparatorPredicate("age", 20, Criterion.LESS);
  15. Map<String, List<User>> map = CollectionsUtil.group(list, comparatorPredicate, new Transformer<User, String>(){
  16. @Override
  17. public String transform(User user){
  18. //提取名字 的姓
  19. return user.getName().substring(0, 1);
  20. }
  21. });
  22. LOGGER.debug(JsonUtil.format(map));


  1. {
  2. "马":[{
  3. "age": 55,
  4. "name": "马腾",
  5. },{
  6. "age": 28,
  7. "name": "马超",
  8. },{
  9. "age": 27,
  10. "name": "马岱",
  11. },{
  12. "age": 25,
  13. "name": "马休"
  14. }],
  15. "张": [{
  16. "age": 28,
  17. "name": "张飞"
  18. }],
  19. "刘": [{
  20. "age": 32,
  21. "name": "刘备"
  22. }],
  23. "关": [{
  24. "age": 50,
  25. "name": "关羽"
  26. },{
  27. "age": 32,
  28. "name": "关平"
  29. },{
  30. "age": 31,
  31. "name": "关索"
  32. }]
  33. }

7.5 groupOne(Collection<O>, String)

循环 objectCollection,以元素的 propertyName属性值为key,元素为value,封装成map返回(map只put第一个匹配的元素,后面出现相同的元素将会忽略).


  • 返回的LinkedHashMap,key是 objectCollection中的元素对象中 propertyName的值,value是 objectCollection中的元素对象;
  • 顺序是 objectCollection propertyName的值 顺序,如果需要排序,可自行调用 SortUtil.sortMapByKeyAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByKeyDesc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueAsc(Map), SortUtil.sortMapByValueDesc(Map)或者, SortUtil.sortMap(Map, java.util.Comparator)
  • 间接的可以做到基于某个属性值去重的效果
  • 如果value需要是集合的话,可以调用 group(Collection, String)方法示例:
  1. List<User> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add(new User("张飞", 23));
  3. list.add(new User("刘备", 25));
  4. list.add(new User("刘备", 30));
  5. Map<String, User> map = CollectionsUtil.groupOne(list, "name");
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(map));


  1. {
  2. "张飞": {
  3. "age": 23,
  4. "name": "张飞"
  5. },
  6. "刘备": {
  7. "age": 25,
  8. "name": "刘备"
  9. }
  10. }


remove(Collection<O>, O)从 objectCollection中 删除removeElement (原集合对象不变).
removeAll(Collection<O>, Collection<O>)从 objectCollection中删除所有的 removeCollection (原集合对象不变).
removeDuplicate(Collection<O>)去重,返回没有重复元素的新list (原集合对象不变).

8.1 remove(Collection<O>, O)

objectCollection中 删除removeElement (原集合对象不变).


  • 返回剩余的集合 (原集合对象不变),这个方法非常有用,如果你不想修改 collection的话,不能调用 collection.remove(removeElement);.
  • 底层实现是调用的 ListUtils.removeAll(Collection, Collection),将不是removeElement 的元素加入到新的list返回.示例:
  1. List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add("xinge");
  3. list.add("feilong1");
  4. list.add("feilong2");
  5. list.add("feilong2");
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.remove(list, "feilong2")));


  1. ["xinge","feilong1"]


  1. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(list));

输出 :

  1. ["xinge","feilong1","feilong2","feilong2"]

8.2 removeAll(Collection<O>, Collection<O>)

objectCollection中删除所有的 removeCollection (原集合对象不变).


  • 返回剩余的集合 (原集合对象objectCollection不变),如果你不想修改 objectCollection的话,不能直接调用 collection.removeAll(remove);,这个方法非常有用.
  • 底层实现是调用的 ListUtils.removeAll(Collection, Collection),将不是removeElement的元素加入到新的list返回.示例:场景: 从list中删除 "feilong2","feilong1"元素
  1. List<String> list = toList("xinge", "feilong1", "feilong2", "feilong2");
  2. List<String> removeList = CollectionsUtil.removeAll(list, toList("feilong2", "feilong1"));


  1. ["xinge"]

8.3 removeDuplicate(Collection<O>)

去重,返回没有重复元素的新list (原集合对象不变).


  1. List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add("feilong1");
  3. list.add("feilong2");
  4. list.add("feilong2");
  5. list.add("feilong3");
  6. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(CollectionsUtil.removeDuplicate(list)));


  1. ["feilong1","feilong2","feilong3"]


  • 如果原 objectCollection 是有序的,那么返回的结果参照原 objectCollection元素顺序
  • objectCollection不变


collect(Iterable<O>, Transformer<? super O, ? extends T>)循环 inputIterable,将每个元素使用 transformer 转换成新的对象,返回新的list.
collect(Iterator<O>, Transformer<? super O, ? extends T>)循环 inputIterator,将每个元素使用 transformer 转换成新的对象 返回新的list.
collect(Iterable<I> inputBeanIterable, Class<O> outputListBeanType, String… includePropertyNames)循环 inputBeanIterable,将每个元素使用转换程成新的 outputListBeanType 类型对象(如有需要只copy传入的includePropertyNames属性) 返回新的list..

9.1 collect(Iterable<O>, Transformer<? super O, ? extends T>)

循环 inputIterable,将每个元素使用 transformer 转换成新的对象,返回新的list.


  1. List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
  2. list.add("xinge");
  3. list.add("feilong1");
  4. list.add("feilong2");
  5. list.add("feilong2");
  6. Transformer<String, Object> nullTransformer = TransformerUtils.nullTransformer();
  7. List<Object> collect = CollectionsUtil.collect(list, nullTransformer);
  8. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(collect, 0, 0));


  1. [null,null,null,null]


  • 比如购物车功能,有游客购物车CookieShoppingCartLine以及内存购物车对象 ShoppingCartLineCommand,两个数据结构部分元素相同,
  • 用户登陆需要把cookie中的购物车转成内存购物车ShoppingCartLineCommand list,这时我们可以先创建ToShoppingCartLineCommandTransformer代码示例:
  1. class ToShoppingCartLineCommandTransformer implements Transformer<CookieShoppingCartLine, ShoppingCartLineCommand>{
  2. private static final String[] COPY_PROPERTY_NAMES = {"skuId","extentionCode","quantity","createTime","settlementState","lineGroup" };
  3. public ShoppingCartLineCommand transform(CookieShoppingCartLine cookieShoppingCartLine){
  4. // 将cookie中的购物车 转换为 shoppingCartLineCommand
  5. ShoppingCartLineCommand shoppingLineCommand = new ShoppingCartLineCommand();
  6. PropertyUtil.copyProperties(shoppingLineCommand, cookieShoppingCartLine, COPY_PROPERTY_NAMES);
  7. shoppingLineCommand.setId(cookieShoppingCartLine.getId());
  8. shoppingLineCommand.setGift(null == cookieShoppingCartLine.getIsGift() ? false : cookieShoppingCartLine.getIsGift());
  9. return shoppingLineCommand;
  10. }
  11. }


  1. public List<ShoppingCartLineCommand> load(HttpServletRequest request){
  2. // 获取cookie中的购物车行集合
  3. List<CookieShoppingCartLine> cookieShoppingCartLineList = getCookieShoppingCartLines(request);
  4. if (isNullOrEmpty(cookieShoppingCartLineList)){
  5. return null;
  6. }
  7. return CollectionsUtil.collect(cookieShoppingCartLineList, new ToShoppingCartLineCommandTransformer());
  8. }

9.2 collect(Iterator<O>, Transformer<? super O, ? extends T>)

循环 inputIterator,将每个元素使用 transformer 转换成新的对象,返回新的list.


场景: 一个简单的将list中的所有元素转成null

  1. List<String> list = toList("xinge", "feilong1", "feilong2", "feilong2");
  2. Transformer<String, Object> nullTransformer = TransformerUtils.nullTransformer();
  3. List<Object> collect = CollectionsUtil.collect(list.iterator(), nullTransformer);
  4. LOGGER.info(JsonUtil.format(collect, 0, 0));


  1. [null,null,null,null]

9.3 collect(Iterable<I> inputBeanIterable, Class<O> outputListBeanType, String… includePropertyNames)

循环 inputBeanIterable,将每个元素使用转换程成新的 outputListBeanType 类型对象(如有需要只copy传入的 includePropertyNames 属性) 返回新的 list.


已知有以下两个类 User 和 Customer

  1. public class User{
  2. // The id.
  3. private Long id = 0L;
  4. //** The name.
  5. private String name = "feilong";
  6. //** 年龄.
  7. private Integer age;
  8. //setter /getter
  9. public User(Long id, String name){
  10. this.id = id;
  11. this.name = name;
  12. }
  13. }
  14. public class Customer{
  15. //** The id.
  16. private long id;
  17. //* The name.
  18. private String name;
  19. //setter /getter
  20. }

此时有以下的 List<User> 需要转换成 List<Customer>

  1. List<User> list = toList(//
  2. new User(23L, "张飞"),
  3. new User(24L, "关羽"),
  4. new User(25L, "刘备"));


  1. List<Customer> customerList = new ArrayList<>();
  2. for (User user : list){
  3. Customer customer = new Customer();
  4. customer.setId(user.getId());
  5. customer.setName(user.getName());
  6. customerList.add(customer);
  7. }



  1. List<Customer> customerList = CollectionsUtil.collect(list, Customer.class);


如果你只想转换 id 属性,你可以:

  1. List<Customer> customerList = CollectionsUtil.collect(list, Customer.class,"id");


  • outputListBeanType 需要有默认的构造函数