edgedb project init​

Setup a new project.

  1. edgedb project init [options]


This command sets up a new project, creating an instance and a schema directory for it. It can also be used to convert an existing directory to a project directory, connecting the existing instance to the project. Typically this tool will prompt for specific details about how the project should be setup.



Specifies whether the existing EdgeDB server instance should be linked with the project.

This option is useful for initializing a copy of a project freshly downloaded from a repository with a pre-existing project database.


Skip running migrations.

There are two main use cases for this option:

  1. With —link option to connect to a datastore with existing data.

  2. To initialize a new instance but then restore dump to it.


Run in non-interactive mode (accepting all defaults).


The project directory can be specified explicitly. Defaults to the current directory.


Specifies which server should be used for this project: server installed via the local package system (package) or as a docker image (docker).


Specifies the EdgeDB server instance to be associated with the project.


Specifies the EdgeDB server instance to be associated with the project.