
The delete command is used to delete objects from the database.

  1. delete Hero
  2. filter .name = 'Iron Man';


Deletion statements support filter, order by, and offset/limit clauses. See EdgeQL > Select for full documentation on these clauses.

  1. delete Hero
  2. filter .name ilike 'the %'
  3. order by .name
  4. offset 10
  5. limit 5;

Every link is associated with a link deletion policy. By default, it isn’t possible to delete an object linked to by another.

  1. delete Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova";
  1. ConstraintViolationError: deletion of default::Hero
  2. (af7076e0-3e98-11ec-abb3-b3435bbe7c7e) is prohibited by link target policy
  3. {}

This deletion failed because Yelena is still in the characters list of the Black Widow movie. We must destroy this link before Yelena can be deleted.

  1. update Movie
  2. filter .title = "Black Widow"
  3. set {
  4. characters -= (select Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova")
  5. };
  1. {default::Movie {id: af706c7c-3e98-11ec-abb3-4bbf3f18a61a}}
  1. delete Hero filter .name = "Yelena Belova";
  1. {default::Hero {id: af7076e0-3e98-11ec-abb3-b3435bbe7c7e}}

To avoid this behavior, we could update the Movie.characters link to use the allow deletion policy.

  1. type Movie {
  2. required property title -> str { constraint exclusive };
  3. required property release_year -> int64;
  4. multi link characters -> Person;
  5. multi link characters -> Person {
  6. on target delete allow;
  7. };
  8. }

Cascading deletes​

If a link uses the delete source policy, then deleting a target of the link will also delete the object that links to it (the source). This behavior can be used to implement cascading deletes; be careful with this power!

The full list of deletion policies is documented at Schema > Links.

Return value​

A delete statement returns the set of deleted objects. You can pass this set into select to fetch properties and links of the (now-deleted) objects. This is the last moment this data will be available before being permanently deleted.

  1. with movie := (delete Movie filter .title = "Untitled")
  2. select movie {id, title};
  1. {default::Movie {
  2. id: b11303c6-40ac-11ec-a77d-d393cdedde83,
  3. title: 'Untitled',
  4. }}

See also

Reference > Commands > Delete

Cheatsheets > Deleting data