
update – update objects in a database

  1. [ with with-item [, ...] ]
  2. update selector-expr
  3. [ filter filter-expr ]
  4. set shape ;

update changes the values of the specified links in all objects selected by update-selector-expr and, optionally, filtered by filter-expr.


Alias declarations.

The with clause allows specifying module aliases as well as expression aliases that can be referenced by the update statement. See With block for more information.

update selector-expr

An arbitrary expression returning a set of objects to be updated.

filter filter-expr

An expression of type bool used to filter the set of updated objects.

filter-expr is an expression that has a result of type bool. Only objects that satisfy the filter expression will be updated. See the description of the filter clause of the select statement for more information.

set shape

A shape expression with the new values for the links of the updated object. There are three possible assignment operations permitted within the set shape:

  1. set { field := update-expr [, ...] }
  2. set { field += update-expr [, ...] }
  3. set { field -= update-expr [, ...] }

The most basic assignment is the :=, which just sets the field to the specified update-expr. The += and -= either add or remove the set of values specified by the update-expr from the current value of the field.


On successful completion, an update statement returns the set of updated objects.


Here are a couple of examples of the update statement with simple assignments using :=:

  1. # update the user with the name 'Alice Smith'
  2. with module example
  3. update User
  4. filter .name = 'Alice Smith'
  5. set {
  6. name := 'Alice J. Smith'
  7. };
  8. # update all users whose name is 'Bob'
  9. with module example
  10. update User
  11. filter .name like 'Bob%'
  12. set {
  13. name := User.name ++ '*'
  14. };

For usage of += and -= consider the following Post type:

  1. # ... Assume some User type is already defined
  2. type Post {
  3. required property title -> str;
  4. required property body -> str;
  5. # A "tags" property containing a set of strings
  6. multi property tags -> str;
  7. link author -> User;
  8. }

The following queries add or remove tags from some user’s posts:

  1. with module example
  2. update Post
  3. filter .author.name = 'Alice Smith'
  4. set {
  5. # add tags
  6. tags += {'example', 'edgeql'}
  7. };
  8. with module example
  9. update Post
  10. filter .author.name = 'Alice Smith'
  11. set {
  12. # remove a tag, if it exist
  13. tags -= 'todo'
  14. };

The statement for <x> in <expr> allows to express certain bulk updates more clearly. See Usage of for statement for more details.

See also

EdgeQL > Update

Cheatsheets > Updating data