1.0 Alpha 5​

This changelog summarizes new features and breaking changes in EdgeDB 1.0 alpha 5 “Luhman”.


  • Implement casts between JSON and enums, arrays and tuples (#251). For example, now there’s a way to unpack JSON input into a tuple, which can then be used to populate a new User record:
  1. ```
  2. with
  3. data := <tuple<
  4. first_name: str,
  5. last_name: str,
  6. interests: array<str>
  7. >> <json>$input
  8. insert User {
  9. first_name := data.first_name,
  10. last_name := data.last_name,
  11. interests := (
  12. select
  13. Interest
  14. filter
  15. .label in array_unpack(data.interests)
  16. )
  17. };
  18. ```
  19. ```
  20. Parameter <json>$input:
  21. {
  22. "first_name": "Phil",
  23. "last_name": "Emarg",
  24. "interests": ["fishing", "skiing"]
  25. }
  26. ```
  • Allow constraints on tuple types (#1576).

  • Allow constraints directly on object types in SDL (#1164)

  • Disallow using exclusive on scalar types (#1575).

  • Proper implementation of set/drop owned.

  • Fix issues with some for statements (#1594).

  • Use fully-qualified names to disambiguate the expressions produced by describe (#1254).

  • Initial implementation of insert … unless conflict … else (#1639)

  • Implementation of more of the features of the new migration syntax (RFC 1000).


  • Allow several mutation operations in a single mutation query (#1569).

  • Reflect nested aliased types (#722).

  • Enable sorting on non-trivial path (#1642). Here’s an example of sorting movies by the director’s last name and then by the movie’s title:

  1. ```
  2. {
  3. Movie(
  4. order: {
  5. director: {last_name: {dir: ASC}},
  6. title: {dir: ASC}
  7. }
  8. ) {
  9. id
  10. title
  11. }
  12. }
  13. ```
  • Add an exists filter operation (#1655). Here’s an example of using it to get records with missing data:
  1. ```
  2. {
  3. Movie(
  4. filter: {director: {exists: false}}
  5. ) {
  6. id
  7. title
  8. }
  9. }
  10. ```


  • Reworked auth setup via edgedb server init (#91).

  • Initial support for the migrations CLI.

  • Add edgedb server status --all command to list all instances.


  • Add transaction API to JS binding (#61). Here’s an example of using transactions:
  1. ```
  2. await con.transaction(async () => {
  3. await con.execute(`
  4. insert Example {
  5. name := 'Test Transaction 1'
  6. };
  7. `);
  8. await con.execute("select 1 / 0;");
  9. });
  10. // nested transactions are supported
  11. // and handle save points
  12. await con.transaction(async () => {
  13. // nested transaction
  14. await con.transaction(async () => {
  15. await con.execute(`
  16. insert Example {
  17. name := 'Test Transaction 2'
  18. };
  19. `);
  20. });
  21. });
  22. ```
  • Add support of connecting to instance by a name (#112).

  • Update the edgedb-js driver to v0.9.0.

  • Update the edgedb-python driver to v0.10.0.