1.0 Alpha 6​

This changelog summarizes new features and breaking changes in EdgeDB 1.0 alpha 6 “Wolf”.


  • Introduce new enum definition syntax (#1843).

    Instead of using strings, the enums are now defined using identifiers:

  1. ```
  2. create scalar type schema::TypeModifier
  3. extending enum<SetOfType, OptionalType, SingletonType>;
  4. ```

Command-Line Tools​

  • Require instance name for most edgedb server commands.

  • Add version check to show a warning when tools should be updated (#158).

  • Add edgedb self-upgrade command (#159).

  • Add support for installing server using Docker (edgedb server install --method=docker)

Server Command-Line​

  • Stop treating “edgedb” as special (#1729)

  • Improve database initialization (#1755).

  • Import setuptools before distutils in setup.py (#1734).


  • Switch UUID decoding from a rich object to a string ( #72).

  • Add EdgeDBDateTimeCodec for handling various datetime scalars (#68).

  • Update the edgedb-js driver to 0.11.0.

  • Update the edgedb-python driver to 0.11.0.