
📄️ BLPOPLearn how to use Redis BLPOP to fetch and remove first element from list in blocking way.

📄️ BRPOPLearn how to use the Redis BRPOP command to remove and fetch the last element from list.

📄️ BRPOPLPUSHUnderstand Redis BRPOPLPUSH for moving an element from one list to another with blocking.

📄️ LINDEXLearn to use Redis LINDEX to retrieve an element from a specified position in a list.

📄️ LINSERTLearn how to use the Redis LINSERT command to insert an element before or after a pivot in the list.

📄️ LLENUnderstand using Redis LLEN to fetch the length of a list to manage data effectively.

📄️ LMOVELearn using Redis LMOVE to shift an element from source list to destination list.

📄️ LPOPLearn how to use the Redis LPOP command for removing and getting the first element in the list.

📄️ LPOSUnderstand using Redis LPOS for finding the index of a value in a list.

📄️ LPUSHLearn how to use Redis LPUSH command to insert an element at the start of a list.

📄️ LPUSHXLearn to use Redis LPUSHX for prepending a value to a list when list exists.

📄️ LRANGEUnderstand how to use Redis LRANGE to fetch a range of elements from a list.

📄️ LREMLearn how to use Redis LREM command to remove matching elements from a list.

📄️ LSETUnderstand using Redis LSET command to modify a specified index of a list.

📄️ LTRIMLearn using Redis LTRIM to precisely control the size of your lists by trimming elements.

📄️ RPOPDiscover how to use Redis RPOP command to remove and fetch the last element of a list.

📄️ RPOPLPUSHLearn to use Redis RPOPLPUSH to shift elements between two lists and provide basic queueing.

📄️ RPUSHLearn how to use Redis RPUSH command for appending a value at the end of a list.

📄️ RPUSHXLearn how to use Redis RPUSHX to append value to a list only if the list exists.